"I didn't. But twins need help in here. You see this?" I motioned around the shop. "This is how it's been whole summer."

"You serious?" Ron's eyes widen. "Bloody hell."

"Yes," I nodded. "Bloody hell. There was five of us in here and we barely got to take care of everything." I said. "And Lee started commentator job and we're left with man less."

"Who is the fifth one?" Ginny asked.

"Verity, new employee."

"I can't believe Lee won't be commentating in Hogwarts anymore." Harry said. "It would be so strange hearing someone else."

"He has a game in two days. I think there would be radio transmission."

"I know Cannons are playing." Ron said. "Against Tutshill Tornados."

"Will this crowd ever decrease?" Ginny huffed. "I want to look around normally."

"You'll have to wait closing if you want that one." I said.

"Kids we lost too much time. Look around as much as you can and then we have to go."

"You won't stay here long?" I asked.

"It's dangerous outside, Y/n. We need to get home quickly." Molly said.

"Well we'll wait until we see twins, of course." Arthur added.

"I'll go find them."

"Miss L/n do you maybe know where are Messrs Weasleys?" Verity came up to me and asked.

"Not sure. They could be around cash register. I was just looking for them" I said. "And Verity please, please, call me Y/n. When you say 'Miss L/n' I expect McGonagall to comes around the corner and gives me detention."

"I wonder why you have so much trauma." Ginny giggled.

"Keep your mouth shut Ginevra." I smirked and turned back to Verity while Ginny shout to never call her that again.

"I mean I can always call Mrs. Weasley if you'd like." Verity shrugged while the others burst out laughing.

"Look who learned to speak. When you got here you barely said two sentences to me throughout the whole day." I put one hand on my hip.

"Is that my Mrs. Weasley you're talking about, Verity?" Fred asked as he came into view and wrapped one arm around my waist. "Hello, family." He smiled at all of them.

"Look at that. You losers actually did it." Ginny smirked.

"I'm starting to worry that you have spent too much time with me and George, dearest sister." Fred smirked back.

"Freddie, dear. I missed you." Molly gave her son one of her famous hugs and kiss on cheek.

"We are proud of you, boys. Excellent job." Arthur smiled at Fred who beamed.

"Thank you, dad." Fred said. "What's up with your eye, Hermione?"

"Your Boxing Telescope hit me."

Fred chuckled light and I hit his arm. "Sorry 'bout that. Here's the bruise removal paste. Black eye will disappear in an hour." He handed her tube.

"Is it safe?" She looked at me.

"Of course, it is. Have a little faith, Granger, will you?" Fred said. "Now may I help all of you with your tour?"

"I'm already away." Ginny announced and disappeared in crowd.

"Well I hope you all can manage by yourselves, I'd like to show Harry around." Fred said and started leading Harry towards nearest shelf.

His Love [Fred Weasley x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now