32- Dress fitting

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Lili POV

"Oh my goddd she looks so fucking cute!" I squeal as Ma holds up Ella in her little baptism gown.

It's the same one Marco, Matt & I wore at our baptisms. We were worried that having Ella's baptism at three months would mean it wouldn't fit her, but Ella was so tiny when she was born and apparently we were 'chunky cherubs' as Ma puts it, so it actually worked out perfectly.

The boys have all disappeared on their 'Stag' as Sophie calls it. I've been resisting the urge to message Nico since they left. I don't want to be that girlfriend. Although I have seen Sophie sneak a couple of messages to Matt.

Our day, to nobody's surprise, consisted of baptism and wedding things that we needed Sophie for. Last minute dress fittings and hair trials with loads of champagne. (Non alcoholic for Sophie because she's still breastfeeding Ella)

"Lili, if Ella's first word is a curse your I'm gonna throw something at you" Sophie jokes stepping out of the dressing room.

She looks so beautiful in her gown I don't even bother pointing out that she swears more than I do.

Being so sick in pregnancy, then breastfeeding has left Sophie with an enviable hourglass figure which her dress emphasises.

The dress itself is simple like Sophie wanted, a strapless ivory gown with a sweetheart neckline and a dropped waist. Lace overlays the tulle and there is simple detailing around the bust, the hip and the lacing on the back.

"You look so beautiful" Sophie's friend Louise gasps, it seems as though we have all been sat in a silent trance.

"I can't believe Matt is actually getting married" I say, more to myself than anything.

"I know what you mean, I still see him as the idiot who used to dive bomb into my pool in the summer" Maddie laughs, beside me. "Now he's a Papa, he's got himself a house, a good wife"

"A lawyer at that! Last kind of person I thought he'd marry" I admit. Matt and people who defended laws hardly moved in the same circles. It would be like Nico dating a cop.

Although I bet he'd enjoy the handcuffs. I make a mental note to order some for us.

Ma comes back out with Ella this time dressed in her tiny bridesmaid dress, to a chorus of "awwws" we really are just a bunch of ovaries.

"Ok Lili, your turn" Sophie prompts me.

"Oh, no. No. No I am so not ready for a baby" I laugh nervously, feeling flustered, I love my new little niece but I am so not ready to have one ruin my lady garden. My statement is met with silence. All of the girls looking at me in surprise.

"Umm, I meant it's your turn to try on your bridesmaid dress" Sophie explains.

Well that's embarrassing. I quickly excuse myself to the dressing room, a dress for me and one for Ma hang ready to be tried.

Having such a small wedding Sophie is only having me as a bridesmaid, and Ella as a flower girl. She said it's easier to only have family than to have to choose between friends.

Ma is walking Sophie down the aisle and Matt is having Nico as his best person as expected.

I strip down to my underwear and stop to check out my reflection in the mirror. Got to love a bit of dressing room lighting.

I dig into my pile of clothes to find my cell and snap a pic for Nico, twisting my body sideways to show the curve of my ass.

I'm about to hit send when I remember Nico is with Matt, I cringe at the thought that Matt could have seen that. And save the picture for later instead. Sliding the jade silk dress over my head I let the material fall into place around my body.

"Can I get some help with the lacing?" I call happy to see Maddie enter with two glasses of champagne.

The floor length gown has a cowl neck with spaghetti straps that  cross my back lacing across my exposed back to make the dress hug my body. The thigh high slit still giving me the freedom to move.

"It's perfect!" Sophie beams as I exit the dressing room. "What do you think? Do you like it?" She asks looking hopeful.

"Don't look so worried Soph, it's your big day, if you wanted me to wear a garbage bag I'd do it' I laugh, "but I'm so glad you want me to wear this I love it!"

I take a seat besides Sophie who is back in her jeans and feeding Ella.

"Are you nervous?" I ask quietly.

"No," Sophie smiles softly, looking down at Ella. "After everything that has happened a wedding doesn't seem scary at all, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Famous last words" I laugh finishing off my glass. "I'm going to go change back so we can go eat"

I return to the dressing room, accosting Maddie on the way to unlace me and hang my dress leaving it in the dressing room where it will be collected to be steamed before the wedding. 

Sliding my feet back into my pumps I grab my cell noticing several missed calls from Charlotte.

I quickly hit dial to call her back.

"Charlotte, sorry I missed your call. What's up?" I ask as soon as she picks up.

"Miss Canossa, I'm so sorry to disturb you but there seems to be some issues and I thought you would want to know." Charlotte explains sounding worried.

"Ok, what's the issue?" I ask.

"It's the blind spot. The police have closed it down and arrested some of the staff. They're trying to say the bar was a front for distributing drugs!"

"That's bullshit! They can't close us down, they have no evidence!" I argue.

"That's the thing, apparently they have recovered a large amount of drugs from the premises. And somehow this news has reached some of our investors who want to pull their support!"


The TroubleshooterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora