3- Handling problems

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Lili POV

I cannot believe Nico would sink so low! 

For years Nico's made comments about our Ma cutting their inheritance, but I always thought it was just Nico's silly sense of humour. 

Never in a million years did I think Nico would be one of the pigs trying to get a piece of our business through marriage! 

Like I want to be anywhere near someone that couldn't even last two months waiting for me to be ready. 

I grab for the nearest thing throwing it across the room with a satisfying smash. 
The satisfaction fades quickly when I realise I just smashed the frame holding our family picture. 

Trying to avoid the glass I whisper a small prayer that I didn't ruin it. Strange how my religion only shows up when I'm desperate. Not that my prayers have ever helped before. I prayed for Papa, I prayed for Nico to love me, I prayed for Marco. 

At this point I may as well be rubbing a lamp looking for a genie. I sigh in relief seeing the picture is ok, my small relief making me catch my finger on the glass. 

 "Fuck!" I curse sucking on the wound. I need a drink! Walking out of the office I ask reception to send someone to take care of the glass, then head for our nearest bar. 

 "A large scotch." I tell the barmaid.

 "Have you got some ID?" She asks skeptically. This tickles me, considering I'm her boss. I don't know if I should be amused, offended or flattered. 

 "What is your name?" I question her. 

 "My name won't change you needing ID" she smiles. 

 "I wouldn't expect it to, I'm just curious" I tell her opening my bag to find my work ID. 

 "I'm Chianti" 

 "Have you been here long Chianti?" I ask. 

 "A little while, not staying though." She says reaching out a hand to accept my ID. 

 "Why not?" I ask withdrawing the ID. I suspect if she sees it the answer might not be as honest.

Chianti glances around the room before gesturing towards a booth near the back of the room where a middle-aged man is getting Larey. There are a group of young women fawning over him as he shouts for more champagne. 

 "Who is he?" I ask Chianti turning back to her. 

 "The manager" she explains rolling her eyes. "This is him on shift! That's why you only have the pleasure of me behind the bar this evening." 

 "And this has happened before?" I ask. 

 "Oh yeah, every Tuesday" she nods, her hand still outstretched for my ID. 

 "And he pays for that much alcohol every week?" Chianti gives a little scoff but doesn't reply, telling me all I need to know. I note the champagne he's pouring that is at least fifty euro a bottle and I can already see six empty on the table. 

 "What if I said that I wanted to speak with the manager?" 

 "Then I guess I'd have to go and get him for you, why is there a problem?" She asks. 

 "Yes," I smile, "I'd like to speak with the manager please" I don't have a solution to deal with Nico, but least I can get rid of one problematic man. Handle my problems one at a time.

Chianti walks around the bar approaching his table. I can't hear the conversation from here but based on his arms waving wildly he is not happy with the interruption. He was really unlucky that I chose this bar right after Nico pissed me off.

His dissatisfied look fades as he approaches me, his eyes raking my body,  shamelessly checking me out.

 "Hello, beautiful. What can I help you with thuss evening" he slurs. The alcohol on his breath is so strong that I can feel it melting my makeup. 

 "I was wondering why there is only one server working? Doesn't your boss pay enough for at least two staff?" I pry. 

 "We have to make cuts love, that's business" he replies full of condescension. 

 "Well perhaps if you paid for the drinks you are sharing with your friends over there" I say pointing. 

 "Now! See here love." He starts. 

 "Don't call me Love! Do you speak to all the patrons like this? Or are you just so pigheadedly ignorant that you think you can patronise me because I'm a woman." I hear Chianti gasp behind me. 

 "See now! I don't have to listen to this! Get out of my bar before I call the police!" 

 "Call them." I insist rising to my feet to stand opposite him. 

 "I'm serious," he threatens. I make no attempt to move, so he turns to Chianti "call the police" he orders. 

 "Miss please" she trys to reason with me. 

 "Call them" I encourage her gesturing the phone mounted behind her. 

I take a seat to wait, making my intention to stay clear. As expected the police arrive quickly, my family makes large 'donations' to ensure our properties get priority. It sounds bad, but nobody forces them to take the money. I lean back against the bar and let the manager drunkenly shout the odds about how drunk and disorderly I am, the irony is not lost on me. Making me chuckle.

When he finishes his speech the police approach me.

 "Miss, do you have some identification?" He asks. I immediately hand over my ID meeting the bar manager's eye. I'm happy to see how unnerved he is by my smile. 

Of course that is because we are in Venice, and I know that everybody in Venice knows the Canossa name. The moment the officer checks my ID he will know that not only do I own this bar. But that my family own half of the businesses on this street. 

 "Is there a problem Miss Canossa?" The officer asks, changing targets. The manager, (well ex manager now.) Splutters when he hears my name.

 "Yes, this ex-employee has stolen hundreds, possibly thousands of euros worth of merchandise and now he is being drunk and disorderly" I explain. Smiling widely as he's cuffed and lead away spluttering. Matt would be so proud of me, he keeps telling me I need to be more ruthless in business.

I take my seat at the bar and finally hand my ID to the bar maid. 

 "I'm so sorry Miss Canossa, I didn't know" she splutters. 

 "You were just doing your job, unlike some" I comment, accepting my drink. 

The distraction was nice while it lasted but now I'm back alone with my thoughts. I take a large gulp of my scotch relishing in the burn down my throat. 

 "Another" I comment, holding up my now empty glass. Repeating the action

Usually I'd talk out a Nico problem with Sophie but it seems unfair knowing she's recovering surgery and caring for a new baby. 

The worst bit is that even feeling like Nico betrayed me, even after the cruel marriage stunt they just pulled, there's a part of me that wished it was real.

Not for money, or teasing but that they actually loved me, and wanted me as a wife. I hate that they makes me feel so confused.

They always have.


Hmm I need a name for my bar maid, person comments & now ChiantiJohnson0 is in the story

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