6- Drunk Lili

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Nico POV. 

I pull up outside the blind spot, relieved to see it's one of their own bars so Lili should be perfectly safe inside. 

It's not too busy inside but a little group had crowded at the entrance just arriving or maybe leaving. I don't care, the point is they are blocking my view. So I head right for the bar. I'm surprised to see only one person working behind it. 

A cute mixed race girl rushing back and forth making her curls bounce around her face. 

 "'scuse me" I call to her. 

 "You'll have to wait your turn." She replies, serving people seemingly at random but I'm guessing it's the order the arrived. 

A tall man leaves the bar with his drinks and I finally spot Lili sat on a stool at the end, nursing a scotch on the rocks. No wonder she's fucked! 

I've never seen Lili drink anything stronger than wine. At least not without a mixer. 

 "Hey" I greet her. Lili's unfocused eyes look at me and she huff's. 

 "Nico is here" she says aloud. I realise she's still on the phone, "well Matt should mind his own business!" She snaps ending the call, who I'm guessing was still Sophie. 

I pull out my cell shooting a quick message to Matt that I have Lili. 

 "Since when did you drink scotch on the rocks?" I ask tapping her glass. 

 "Nope, you leave her alone!" The barmaid orders me, "you don't want her husband seeing you with her. Big scary guy" she lies casually making me laugh. 

Got to love how women protect eachother like that. 

 "He's Nico" Lili informs her, waving a hand dismissively. 

 "He's a friend of yours?" The barmaid asks her. Lili just scoffs in reply, swaying a little in her seat.

 "Why are you still serving her?" I demand. 

 "She was fine, then suddenly she wasn't" the barmaid explains. I gesture to the drink before Lili, the unmelted ice telling me it's still new. "It's apple juice" the barmaid smiles turning back to serve someone else. 

I dip a finger In the drink and discover the barmaid was telling the truth. Which is worrying because it shows me just how drunk Lili is not noticing the swap.

 "Come on, home time" I tell her wrapping an arm under hers to support her. 

Lili swivels the top of her seat to face me drawing our bodies close my arm trapped behind her. 

 "Why are you here?" Lili asks surprised. As though she only just noticed me. 

 "Matt called me" I remind her, "I'm taking you home"

 "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you." She slurs, "I'm Nico and I just take anything I want" she mocks me. 

I'm not completely sure where this attitude came from, but I decide to ignore it. 

 "I'll drive you back Lili," I offer her. 

 "Ok," she agrees, throwing me a little. I was preparing for an argument. This is easier than expected. 

Turns out I thought too soon. As Lili wraps her arms around my neck parting her legs to pull my body flush against hers. 

 "Lili" I warn, in a low voice. 

 "Carry me please. My feet hurt" she whines. 

I have a small internal struggle. Her dress is short. If I carry her on my back or bridal style people will see her ass. I end up having to let Lili cling to me like a koala. 

Her legs wrapped around my waist in what I'm sure is a worse kind of torture than I've ever inflicted on someone. 

I have to take a steadying breath when I'm hot with the memories of last time I was  holding Lili like this. Pressing her against the wall as we kissed. Grinding my denim clad erection against her core and swallowing the whimpers from her lips. 

 "You're drunk" I say aloud. Reminding myself more than her. It doesn't matter what Lili says tonight drunk consent isn't real. 

As if she can read my mind Lili shifts her hips and lays her head against my shoulder with a content sigh. Fuck I need to get her in the car before I can no longer hide how much I enjoy her legs wrapped around me. 

I have no choice but to support Lili with one hand to open the car door. Which annoyingly presses her core hard against me. 

 "Nico" she whimpers softly in my ear. Starting to move her hips against me. 

 "Don't" I growl, ripping open the door and practically throwing her inside. Fuck this would be easier if my Porsche had a rear seat. 

I climb behind the steering wheel and head towards Lili's place. It takes all my energy to focus on the road when in the corner of my eye I can see Lili's dress riding dangerously high up her thigh. 

 "Why don't you like me?" Lili asks so quietly I only just catch it. 

 "What are you talking about? Why would you think I don't like you Lili?" I frown, is this why she's being weird with me? "Lili?" 

I briefly take my eyes off the road to see Lili's cheeks puffed out, right before she pukes all over herself. 

 "Shit!" I curse pulling up outside her house "ok in you go, go get cleaned up" I announce, she takes no action to move, after the longest minute of my life I ask "Where are your keys?"

 "My bag" 

 "Ok where's your bag?" I ask. Lili screws up her face for a minute.

 "At the bar?" She asks. 

For fuck sake Lili. I pull my cell out and dial Lili's number, hitting redial once it rings off. Finally someone picks up the call. 

 "Pronto? I just found this phone" a woman answers. 

 "Are you at the blind spot?" I ask her. 

 "Yes, I'm the barmaid." She replies

 "Oh good, it's Lili's cell, you know the drunk girl you gave apple juice to, well it's her cell, did she leave her bag?" I check

 "Yes I have it, I'll put them in the office for her, I've gotta go I'm still working" she tells me before ending the call. 

I turn to tell Lili and of course she's fast asleep her mouth hanging open, drooling against the seat. 

 "Typical" I huff, now what?

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