8- When Lili met Benji

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Lili POV- Age 12

"I swear you bring more pretty boys every visit Lili, you're so lucky!" Maddie giggles.

"Gross, they're my brother's!" I scold her, although I can't help but check out Nico and his friend on the opposite side of the pool through my sunglasses.

"Not all of them! Who is the new boy with Nico?" She asks.

"It's his friend from school, Benji Chun, I think. Ma & Pa let Nico invite him along, I think to distract him from, you know, his Mama" I explain, whispering the last few words.

Although it's not exactly a secret where Aunt Marie is it still feels wrong to speak about aloud. The last few years Nico has spent more and more time living with our family in school breaks.

Sometimes his Ma is in rehab, other times we don't know where she is. Ma and Pa don't speak about it in front of us but I heard them in the office. Pa will find her, in what he calls a 'crack den' send her to 'get clean' but then she will disappear again.

You would never know it around Nico though. He always has a smile on his face, is always the life of the party, up for anything. Getting in trouble with Matteo and Marcello. If it wasn't for his looks you would think he was part of our family.

His Ma must be doing really bad this year if they have encouraged him to invite someone and brought us to visit Maddie's family in France for more distractions.

"Well they're definitely distracting" Maddie comments, sipping her drink. "I've been on the same page of my Vogue for, like ever. They're all so fit! Check out those muscles"

"Benji isn't muscley" I argue.

"Still fit though" Maddie counters.

"Ok, stop checking out my brother's. It's weird."

"Benji keeps looking at you" Maddie whispers, from behind her glass. My eyes search out Benji and find he is in fact looking our way.

"He is not" I whisper back secretly thrilled at the attention. Benji is Fifteen like Nico so a little older. He's taller than the others, and slimmer. You can tell he's strong though.

His usually black wavy hair has been slicked back by the water. As I watch he gracefully dives into the pool breaking through the water half way and swimming across to us.

"Lili," he greets me resting his elbows on the side of the pool.

"Hey Benji," I reply trying to act cool, "this is Maddie" I tell him gesturing to her. Benji's eyes flicker over Maddie and I suddenly wish Ma had let me wear a bikini like Maddie, instead of this childish one piece.

Even if I had there would be nothing to show in it, Maddie is only two years older than me but she's had boobs since she was nine. I'm so flat I could be used as in ironing board as Matty likes to tease me.

"Enchante" Maddie says leaning forward to shake his hand.

"Come in the pool, play some volleyball with us" Benji offers.

"Ok!" Maddie accepts on our behalf dragging me along with her.

"Lads versus, well not lads?" Marco suggests.

"Not very fair. There's only two girls" I point out.

"And Nico" Marco adds.

"Since when is Nico not a 'lad'.." I roll my eyes at their teasing.

"It's cool Lili. I'm Non-binary" Nico explains attempting to ruffle my hair.

"What's a Non-binary?" I ask ignorantly "oh is that where you fancy boys and girls?" I ask, lowering my voice.

"That's bisexual, stupid" Matt laughs, making me scowl.

"Play nice,"Nico laughs, pushing him into the water. "It means that I don't feel like male really describes me, but neither does female. I'm a bit both" he, (or rather they?) Shrug.

"Ok," I answer simply, I don't fully understand it but I don't want to look stupid in front of the guys.

"Let's make the game more fun." Maddie suggests, changing the subject. "If you miss the ball you have to do a truth or dare from the other team"

Everyone gets excited by Maddie's suggestion, but I just look at her sceptical. Why would she want to play truth or dare? Doesn't she know the ridiculous stuff my brother's will make us do?

The guys set up the net at we start to play. Maddie, Nico and I vs Marcello, Matteo and Benji.

The guys smack the ball so hard my hands are sore from the returns, but I hold my own and Matteo misses my serve.

"Truth or dare?" I laugh,

"Dare!" He shouts immediately

"I dare youuu…." I search around for inspiration for Matteo's dare. "To do a flip off the high diving board" I decide. Laughing along with everyone else. The nervous expression disappears from Matteo's face as fast as it had appeared and he swaggers towards the diving boards.

He stands on the board making us laugh as he flexes his muscles in 'macho poses' before dive bombing off the end.

We all cheer at the huge splash holding up our fingers to score him out of ten as he swims back to the shallow end laughing to join us.

"That wasn't a flip!" I fake boo him.

We pick up the game again I honestly think the guys miss some on purpose just wanting to do stupid dates because Maddie and I haven't missed one!

Maddie aims the ball at Benji hitting hard and he misses making us all laugh and cheer. I check Maddie's expression curious about her ideas.

"Truth or dare?" She asks Benji.

"Dare" he replies to nobody's surprise. Every choice has been a dare so far.

"I dare you," she pauses dramatically, with a dazzling smile. "To kiss Lili"

Maddie's dare is met with uproar from my brothers and Nico.

"No way!" Marco shouts, glaring at Benji as if it was his idea.

My face feels really warm. I can't believe my first kiss will be Benji, on a dare! I'm going to kill Maddie! A small part of me questions what would have happened if Nico was on their team. Would I have got to be kissed Nico?

My eyes find Benji's and I'm surprised to see a small smile on his lips despite the shouting. I hesitantly return his smile. My heart fluttering in my chest, a cute boy is going to kiss me!

"No! You're not doing it!" Nico shouts, firmly stepping between us. Part of me hopes out of jealousy, but then he turns to face me looking disgusted.

"It's too messed up. She's a little kid" he says crushing me.

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