5- The troubleshooter

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Nico POV

When I leave the office I head straight out on a job. Some unlucky son of a bitch is going to be my stress reliever.

The Canossa's are steering the business away from violence after what happened to Marco. But there are some exceptions, people who stepped up trying to take Marco's place. Claiming that a woman couldn't handle the pressure.

These people need a swift reminder that there's no such thing as a woman who can't handle pressure like a man, especially if that woman is a Canossa. So tonight I will be educating Mario on the subject.

I walk through the gates of Mario's property unencumbered. That's the price you pay if you treat people like they're beneath you.

If my line of work has taught me anything, it's that any person you know could ultimately be my way in. All it takes is a kind word and a little money.

Your barber can tell me your appointment, your cleaner can get me pictures of your appointments, keys to your house & a layout. And as today proves. Your gate security can let me walk right in.

The point is, if you are doing shady deals. Don't treat people like they're less important. They might be the thing keeping you alive.

I casually stroll across the lawn to the main house. His cleaner says he will be in his office at this time (see what I mean)

I already know my way and nobody thinks to stop me. Ever the show person I kick open the office door catching Mario in the middle of a little 'self love.' I don't even try to hide my amusement.

"What the fuck?! Who?!" He starts spluttering tucking his dick back in his pants. "Nico? Why are you here? Who let you in"

"I don't need to be let in." I claim, casually walking around the office. "What? You think someone could stop me going anywhere I want to be?" I ask, picking up little ornaments on his desk and smiling to myself."

"Nico, I don't know what you are thinking but you're mistaken. I don't owe anyone any money" he explains clearly worried.

This just makes me smile more, I'm happy to see my reputation precedes me. I've put a lot of effort into it over the years, a non-binary hit man who was working for a gay man and now a woman.

There are a lot of ignorant people out there who mistakenly underestimated me, but not anymore.

"I'm not here for money." I explain casually, not meeting his eye. "I heard a rumor and I wanted to know if it was true."

"A-A rumor?"

"Yeah a rumor," I confirm. "That you are aiming to be my new employer. That is to say, that you intend to take over the Canossa business?" I finally stop to give him my attention. Watching how his body reacts to my words.

"Oh that?" He says relaxing. "If you are worried about your contract, don't be. I'll definitely be keeping you on, everyone knows you're the best in your field." He laughs lightly.

"Liliana, has taken over the business." I tell him pointedly.

"Yes, yes, I heard. I don't know where Matteo disappeared to, leaving it all to that poor girl to try and manage, but I've pulled a few strings. If you know what I mean." He winks, "it won't be long before Liliana realises this isn't the job for her"

At this point I stride around the desk grabbing Mario by the throat so hard he's thrown backwards off his chair and I keep him pinned to the floor, his eyes two fearful circles of surprise.

"What 'strings' did you pull?" I growl. The thought of someone threatening Lili turning me feral. "ANSWER ME!" I shout in his face. Ignoring his pathetic attempts at pulling my hand away.

His face starts changing colour before I loosen my grip a little. Allowing him to take great gulps of air.

"I just messed up some negotiations that's all!" He gasps out.

The lie is so weak and pathetic that I can smell the shit coming from his mouth.

"The truth this time." I demand tightening my grip a little. His eyes flicker wildly around the room. When he doesn't reply I land a sharp jab to his ribs. "NOW!" I shout over his howl of pain.

"I-I just, I hired some guys to scare her a little"

"How?" I press

"Just trashing her apartment. Maybe shaking her up a little, but that's all. I swear! Oh God please don't tell Matteo!" He whimpers.

"Matteo is the least of your problems right now. If so much as a hair on her head gets damaged. I will be coming for your other hand" I threaten.

"My other hand?" He asks confused. In reply I grab the thumb of the hand that is still covering mine bending it back swiftly til I feel the pop of it breaking. Mario lets out a high pitched scream.

My fist connects with his face adding a broken nose to his problems. He's lucky he needs to call his men off or it would be his jaw aswell. The thought of Lili hurt or scared is all I can picture as I rain down blows on his torso until I'm satisfied that he has learnt his lesson.

I'm still pissed off when I get home.

Fucking over react much Lili? I think as I throw my jacket across my living room knocking over my now dead plant.

All I want is to be with her, take care of her. Haven't I proved as much over the years? One slip of the tongue and now I get thrown out and neither her or her PA are taking my calls.

I pull the bourbon out of the cabinet and take a slug from the bottle. The sweet fire burning its way down my throat.

Today was bullshit!

I'd understand her anger if I was just trying to fuck her, but she wasn't ready for that. And I have never been this fucking patient for a woman.

I didn't get to find out what was wrong with Lili and now she's even more pissed!

My cell starts ringing, and seeing it's Matt I'm tempted to ignore it. I love the guy, but I don't need his happiness with Sophie rubbed in my face right now.

"Pronto?" I answer.

"Hey, sorry to be 'that guy' but are you in Marghera? I need a favour" he asks.

"I just finished the last favour you asked of me. Mario is dealt with" I elaborate. "What do you need?"

"Could you go and pick up Lili?" This peaks my attention, and I am already picking up my jacket.

"Where is she? What happened?" I ask.

"She's ok, just shit faced. She's on the phone with Soph and she's a mess. But Ma is over here, and Maddie and Sudia aren't in Italy. You're the only one I trust" he explains.

"Send me where she is I'll go pick her up." I promise him. Already on my way out of the door.

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