25- Date night

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Lili POV


Nico will be here to pick me up in twelve minutes. I wonder where we are going?

I need to stop procrastinating and focus on this meeting. Yes. Focus. Marketing, surveys, and research this is important.

Oh god I'm going to have to wear my work clothes on our date!

Is this outfit ok? Will I stand out in a bad way? I think I might have some lipstick in my bag.

I'm honestly not totally sure how the meeting ended. I might have agreed to allocate all of our budget to marketing. I was that distracted that I wouldn't know.

The moment my meeting ends I run to my personal bathroom to try and make myself look more date worthy.

With my limited resources I fix my make-up and try using my fingers to tidy up my curls. Taking a step back I check out my appearance in the mirror, why didn't I ask Charlotte to bring me an outfit to change into?

This is why they say hindsight is 20/20.

"Lil?" I hear Nico call from the office, I quickly pop open the top button of my shirt as a lame attempt to look good.

I find Nico sitting against my desk casually scrolling through their cell. As soon as they notice me they tuck the cell in their pocket. Reaching for my hand and pulling me to stand between their legs.

"Is this for my benefit?" Nico asks, running a finger down my collar towards the open button that gives a glimpse of my cleavage. I nod a little, my body coming alive everywhere Nico's fingers brush.

I can feel my heart speed up, it's so loud, like it's trying to speak to Nico on my behalf.

"You look good enough to eat" Nico whispers, their eyes full of the promise that I will indeed be eaten. I can't wait to surprise them by returning the favour.

"So, do you have a plan for this evening?" I ask resting my hands against the white material of Nico's shirt.

"Don't you trust me? I've planned everything kitten" Nico smirks.


Nico doesn't reply, but moves to press their lips softly against mine, a contrast to their usual hungry devouring of my mouth. This kiss is sweet and chaste. When Nico pulls back I realise they have unfastened more buttons exposing the pink lace of my bra.

Cheeky shit.

"I almost don't want you to change" Nico smiles, tipping their head to two Louis Vuitton bags sitting in my chair. Nico really did plan everything.

I move away from Nico to look into the first  bag, finding a pair of black leather knee- high boots in my size. Checking out the other bag I pull out a black asymmetric dress with a ruffled bottom hem and zip-up neckline.

"They're so nice Nico," I gush.

"Of course they are, I picked them. Now hurry up and change, we have reservations"

I gather the bags slipping back into the bathroom to change, I unfasten the last few buttons of my shirt shrugging the silky material off my shoulders, then wiggle my skirt over my hips letting it drop in a pile on the floor beside the shirt.

I pull the dress over my head realising I'll need help with the zip before I can fasten the leather belt with a gold V-shape buckle thats meant to accentuate my waist.

I slide my feet into the boots pulling up the subtle zipper. They're so pretty but being new they make me hope that the date won't involve much walking.

"Nico" I call, "can you help with the zipper?" I ask, seeing them appear in the doorway.

Nico moves forwards slowly like a lion stalking its prey. The hunger in their gaze makes my thighs clench together. Nico's knuckle drags up my spine as they pull up the zipper leaving fire in its wake.

"Let's go before I just take you here in your bathroom" Nico breathes in my ear.

Hurrying outside Nico holds open the car door letting me climb in before they climb in the back of the car beside me and the driver sets off taking us across the bridge into Venice.

"I thought you preferred driving yourself?" I ask.

"I usually do, but I want you to have my full attention this evening" Nico explains, bringing our laced fingers up to their mouth to kiss the back of my hand. 

The driver pulls up beside the water where we transfer into a boat Nico wraps a fluffy blanket around us before we are carried to our destination.

"The tourist airport? We can't go anywhere" I remind Nico.

"Trust me ok" Nico insists, greeting a man who seems to be waiting for us.

Before I know it I'm strapped into a helicopter, my ears covered with the headset. I was expecting dinner so a helicopter ride was definitely a surprise for our date.

I grip Nico's hand tight as we take off. Watching the world shrink below is. The helicopter takes off in the direction of Marghera flying us over the cities below and towards the mountains.

There is so much to see as we pass but after a while I become a little bored, and my butt is going numb. I don't want to tell Nico that and spoil our date, I just wish we were somewhere a bit quieter to talk. We have been in the air for around an hour. And we need to travel back yet!

As if Nico can read my thoughts their voice comes through my headset.

"We'll be landing soon" landing? We're still over the mountains. Nico smiles at my confused face.

"Did you think the helicopter was the date?" Nico laughs, "I can be a little more creative than that Lil"

The helicopter comes to land outside a hotel set into the mountain. 'Miramonti Boutique Hotel'

Nico waits for the blades to stop before we get out. We head straight to the reception. Where I discover Nico has booked separate rooms.

"I didn't want to assume anything. So you have the choice of us sharing or you going to your own room after dinner." Nico says as we walk towards our rooms.

"But I have work in the morning!" I sigh.

"I already had Charlotte push your meetings for the day. Your Ma gets in at four and I promise to get you back in time." Nico explains.

"You're amazing!" I gasp, gasping again when I see my room. A wall of floor to ceiling windows at the end of the bed give a view to the balcony which overlooks the amazing view of the mountains and the city below.

Nico is incredible!

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