6. The Inquisitor

Start from the beginning

Ruby: Hm, okay.

Ozpin nods as Ruby reaches the elevator and opens a door, she sees a tall man with dark skin, silver hair and dark blue eyes standing in the elevator with his arms behind his back. He was wearing a black and white trench coat along with a black peaked cap. She also sees a star symbol on both ends of their collar.

 She also sees a star symbol on both ends of their collar

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Ruby: Oh! Uh, hello.

The man silently glares at Ruby with a menacing presence about him, resulting in Ruby to feel intimidated. He walks past her, allowing her to leave as he approaches Ozpin's desk.

Agent: Greetings, I am Inquisitor Preston Locke of the Mimaran Intelligence and Security Bureau. You can refer to me as Agent Locke if you wish. I was sent to assist in the investigation to uncover Salem's agents here.

Glynda: An Inquisitor? I'm not sure if it's necessary for a high ranking ISB Agent to be here.

Locke: Considering that our Queen was attacked due to your negligence, the ISB Director and the Prime Minister would both disagree with you.

Ozpin: Negligence? Is that what you think happened?

Locke: You knew Salem may have been at play here, and yet your security in vital areas was so lackluster that no proper lockouts were established in case of a breach in the CCT tower. Even more so that there were no alarms set off by any of the guards when it appears that all of them were beaten, not hit by a ranged weapon. I call that negligence not just on Vale's part, but Atlas's as well because their security must've had ample time to sound an alarm.

Ironwood: .... For once, I am in complete agreement with the Mimarans here. We could and should have done better with our security, yet our culprit bypassed us with relative ease and my men didn't think like they should have.

Locke: I'm glad there's something our Kingdoms agree on.

Glynda sighs and crosses her arms. Ozpin leans back on his chair.

Ozpin: How do you plan on proceeding, Agent?

Locke: I will begin by compiling a list of suspects. Since the attacker was described as a woman with pale skin and black hair, that narrows things down a little bit, though black is a very common hair color. So the list will be of female students from Beacon and the other academies here for the tournament that were either not present for the dance, left shortly before Ruby Rose exited the ballroom, or showed up after the attack.

Glynda: You think our assailant may be posing as a student?

Locke: I would if I wanted to infiltrate the Vytal festival.

Glynda: How ridic-

Ironwood: No, that makes sense actually. Nobody would suspect a foreign student walking around during the festival. If our attacker was a "student" they would be able to enter the dance no problem. So once our assailant pulled off hacking into the tower, she could sneak right into the dance while we ran around as if our heads were cut off.

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