It's Done

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TW: This chapter does talk about murdering someone.  Read at your own risk.  Thank you

Magnus Rivers

It's Done

When I got to my home, I looked at Ryder while I was reloading the gun Ryder always has in his glove box.  I took a deep breath and pull out my phone. 

"Should I call Alexander?"

"No, just go do it.  Call him after because he will think you are doing it for him." I looked at Ryder.  Alexander was a trigger for this but he's not my reason for doing it.  "I believe you can do this but still be careful."  I nodded my head and open up the car and got out.

I walked up to my front door.  I open the door and the first person I see is Andrew. 

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I held up his gun but when Andrew went to grab his gun, I shot him in his head.  Dead instantly.  I smirked and took a deep breath before walking into my dad's office where no one but him was in his office.

"Magnus, what are you-"

"Shut up, I have some words father so please let me say them." My father looked at me and I was surprised that he was letting me.  "You are an ass, you think everything is about you.  You took me away from Alexander, you have abused me for years.  I haven't heard a single 'I'm proud of you' so before you say anything, you are a bad human being, but you make a even worst father."

I pulled out my gun but little did I know my father had a gun also.  We both shoot but my father hit my left side. I didn't pay any attention to it.  I started shooting again but this time I hide behind the seat. 

I let my father shoot until he couldn't anymore.  I tried to stop my bullet hole but I had nothing.  I took a deep breath and throught for a moment.  But soon he stopped firing at me.  I took a deep breath and look behind me. 

I didn't see my father so he must-

I got hit in the neck so I fell down, coughing I tried to see who it was.  It was another one of my dad's men.  My gun got kicked out of range.

"Good job Joshua.  Would you like to do the final?"

"I would enjoy that sir." My father gave Jashua his gun and right when I was about to give up, I heard a gun shot and Joshua was now falling to the ground.  I grabbed my gun and quickly shot my father.  It happened so fast but when I saw my father's body drop down.  I felt the guilt and the shame come up.  But somehow I felt better knowing that the one thing holding me down is gone. 

"Magnus-" I turn my head to see my little sisters and even Alexander.  Alexander saved me.  I smiled and I felt my eyes rolling in the back of my head. "Girls, can you go get your mother?" That was the last thing I heard. 

When I woke up, Alexander was in the backseat while he order someone around.  I think Ryder, I looked at Alexander and Alexander looked down at me.

"Hello love, I promise you will be ok just stay strong." Alexander smiled and that made me feel less anxious, I smiled and looked around.

"Where my sister's?  And my mom?"

"I told you he would have asked."  Alexander looked up at Ryder and Ryder looked behind him. 

"Did I tell you to speak?" Alexander asked.  Ryder stays quiet.  "Their going to meet us at the hospital.  Don't worry I already called my person and he said it was ok we took you in." Alexander said.  I smiled and nodded my head.

"Please stay with me." 

"I will try."

Just A Mission (Manxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora