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Magnus Rivers


2 days later

I walked into the commons and notice that Ryder was talking to Arianna and the girl that he ran off with at the party.  Arianna's best friend that I never learned the name of.  I walk up to them. 

"Hey baby." Ryder looked at me but I gave him the look to not say anything.  He got it and just smiled.  "I was just telling Ryder and Maya that there will be a party at my house Saturday."

"Sounds like fun, text me the details." I said with a smile.  I wrapped my arm around her and she giggled. 

"You two are such a cute couple." Maya said. 

"Shut it." Arianna joked.  Soon, we all went to get some lunch but when I was walking, I was stopped by a teacher. 

"You are wanted in the office." I looked at the teacher but when I looked in the office window, I see Alexander was holding a bag and that made me smile.  I nodded my head and told Ryder where I was going.  I walked to the office and as I except, Alexander was here for me.

"Hey you." I looked at him with a confused but I still smiled.  "I throught you would want some lunch."

"I didn't need this." I said, I still had a smile on my lips and took the bag.  It was Panda Express, it was my favorite!

"Well, I know that the lunches here weren't great and I didn't think they got any better."  I smiled and gave him the look of 'I would kiss you but I can't'.  When I took the bag out of his hands, Alexander looked at the Ms.Hags and she got up and walked away. 

"Thank you for lunch but it's kinda weird that you brought me lunch and not your daughter." I explained.  Alexander smriked and nodded his head. 

"I always buy her lunch.  She just didn't want it today." He's a great dad too!? Just marry me right now.  I guess I have daddy issues now.  Before I could say anything else, Alexander pushed me up against the desk and made sure I was seen, he moved in and gave me a quick kiss.  "Plus...I wanted to see you again."

"Wow, never throught I would get someone like you to say that." Alexander looked at me and my smile slowly disappeared.  But soon I got up on my tippy toes so I could kiss his cheek.  "I wanted to see you too."


"Arianna's dad?" Ryder said with a surprise look but also a concern one.  I took a deep breath.  "I am ok with people being gay but Arianna's Father is older than both of us combined, not to mention he also runs a Mob."

"But that is the thrill of being with him and he's not that scary." Ryder looks at me like I was crazy.  Maybe I was but I really think Alexander is different.

"If you're father kills you when you find out, I'm not coming to your funeral." I smiled and shook my head.  I went to go shoot my shot on the pool table but my phone light up, a text message.


Talking about me?

Alexander Black?

You guessed it.

How did you get my number?

Arianna's phone.  Heard you talking about me and just had to give let you know I hear everything.


I installed a chip, to make sure you aren't talking to me to your father

This is wrong on so many levels.

I just wanna make sure you are true.  Keep it on, I know if you take it off.

So you can hear me when I talk about you to my best friend?

Asking so many questions.  You have to find out for yourself.

How do I know you're not talking about me?

With that, he never responded.  I looked at Ryder and he was now getting over his lost.  I smriked and shook me head.

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