Cayo Espanto

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Alexander Black

Cayo Espanto

Next day

"I miss you daddy." I looked out side to see a nice view of Cayo Espanto. My private island. I needed to get Magnus out of there. I know this is a temporary solution but it's better than what he's getting.

"I miss you too babygirl." I heard bed sheets so I turn around to see a half-awake Magnus on the bed. He wasn't even sitting up. I took a deep breath. "I have to go. Allegro wants me. I will talk you to soon."

"Ok, I love you."

"I love you too. Tell your mother I love her." Arianna said she will and hang up. I looked at Magnus and laid down on the bed next to Magnus. He looked at me and I smiled.

"Where are we?" Magnus asked. I smirked and laid on my side. He definitely has a concussion.

"We are at my private island." I said. Magnus made a noise and I could tell he wanted to sleep longer. I took a deep breath and looked around. "I think we should get you up. At least for a shower." I whispered. Magnus made a noise but just moved closer to my side.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. I am really tired. I guess I could take it slow for today. I pulled Magnus in. His cold body was pressed up against my warm body was perfect for cuddling.

I can't believe I am doing this, let alone with a 17 year old. But somehow, knowing that he is younger and more crazy than men my age, that just makes me curious. I looked down at the boy that was laying on my chest sleeping peaceful.

But my throughts were dying down as my eyes closed. But I woke up to soon. I turn over to the sound of my shower and an ass that looked to good for not looking. I took a deep breath because I know it belongs to Magnus but God damn I want a piece of that ass.

I shook my head and look up at my ceiling but my head soon turn back towards Magnus that was just looking out the windows that show the ocean. I took a deep breath and got up. I got ready by putting my suit on and my pants where tight and Magnus isn't helping either.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and started to play old rock. Queen mostly but there is also a little hit of Kiss and Gun n' Roses. But I was just focusing on that and not Magnus' ass.

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