History (PT.2)

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Alexander Black

History PT.2

25 years earlier

Me, Gabriel, and Makenzie are all running away from the cops after the party. I felt my heart beating hard but I couldn't believe what Gabe is capable of. He is just a nerdy kid that wanted to fit in. My heart couldn't help but feel strong feelings.

We all ran around the corner and I took a deep breath before looking at the other two. Makenzie was keeping herself together while Gabe was crying and sitting on the floor. I looked at Makenzie and she knows that I am going to calm him in a way that not many people want to see.

"Gabriel...Are you good?" I asked laying on the grass that was possibly someone's yard. It's to dark to tell.

"I just ran from the cops. I sneaked out and almost got caught." Gabe looked at me with fear. I know that his father isn't the nicest man and he will do something to the poor boy. "But I haven't felt more alive." Gabe smiled and I just took it in.

But next thing I knew, Gabe was pulling me in with a kiss. This isn't the first kiss we shared but this one seem different, this one seems like the one kiss everyone hopes they get in high-school. Gabe is everything I want in a man.

Strong, independent, a daredevil. He is the mix of fun and crazy but sadly he hasn't got to show anyone that side. Gabriel is the quite and kinda keep it to himself kind of guy while I am the guy that goes out and parties like there is no tomorrow.

I grabbed onto Gabe's hips and made him get on top of me. We sat there making-out. I was taking in everything but soon Gabe was wanting to take a step further. He pull down my jacket and started to take off my shirt.

Even for a 17 year old, I had a lot of battle scares but Gabe knows that but really does care. I snapped out of my dreamland when Gabriel came up to to my ear while teasing himself and me.

"I want you to be mine tonight." I whispered. Gabriel smirked and looked down at my body.

"I will never be yours." Somehow I knew that was never going to change. We have been doing this over a year and nothing has change, only my feels have grow stronger for the boy that wasn't mine.

8 years later

I was drink something with some good old friends. Life is good, I have a wife, a baby girl on the way and even a baby boy. His name is Lev. He is only 4 years old but his is my life. Me and Gabriel are still messing around but we haven't had time for each other recently.

"Daddy, Gabriel is here!!" Lev ran to my arms. I was shocked to see Gabriel actually was here without Makenzie. She is also pregnant so I guess it's not a big surprise.

"Gabe, I didn't know you would be here?" I said with a smile. He looked at the two men. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. I knew this day would be coming. "Lev, how about you go play with your toys and you two men can leave."

After everyone left. Me and Gabe went into the office and I made drinks for us. I gave Gabe his and I sat on the couch while he sat in the armchair. Probably for the best.

"I didn't come here for long." Gabriel said, I nodded my head and looked away from the man I have fell madly in love with. "I wanna cut us off."

"I'm sorry what?" I chuckled a little. I took a drink and looked at Gabe.

"You are married and in 2 months you are going to have 2 kids. I am going to have a son." I somehow knew that he was also hiding something. I licked my lips and got up from my seat. I walked behind Gabe and he laid back.

"You are still Submitting into me...you really don't want to do this." I put my hands on top of his suit. He took a deep breath in and nodded his head slowly.

"I'm ashamed of it." Gabe whispered. That is the first time I had second thoughts. I'm not a ashamed of loving him. Why should he? I was giving him time but I don't think I don't have much time left.

"You're ashamed...?" I asked. I sat up and walked over to my desk. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "Let's run away." I said.

"WHAT?" Gabe got up faster that ever. I walked back around my desk.

"Gabriel, I know you love me. I love you, let's go somewhere and start fresh."

"But Alexander, you are leaving you wife, your two children, and the business. We can't just up a leave." Gabe looked at me like I was crazy. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry again Alexander but I never love you and you know that I won't from the beginning."

Without another word, Gabe walked out. What the hell just happened?

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