"New Moon Gang, we are ready for you upstairs" I hear someone call out our crew's name and I look at the direction of the voice to find a guy in all black standing at the door. "Please follow me" the guy says bowing in a greeting and we all do as he says.

I stay back waiting on the others to enter the building and I notice Kang hold back as well. "How are you feeling" He asks getting closer to me now that most of the crew is inside. I unconsciously look around for Nari and I notice she is in the front of the crew walking with her brother. "I know you still get nervous" He says with a smile and I try to smile back. I don't know how to act around him anymore. Ever since that day in the mall I have tried to pull back from him but I think he has noticed. He is constantly making conversation with me before and after practice despite the way Nari looks at us. It's really confusing and I don't know how to feel about it. I am trying my best to kill my feelings for him and I keep telling myself I can just be his friend but when he smiles at me is hard to not fall for him even deeper.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking" I say moving one of my bangs behind my ear. I tend to play with my hair when I am nervous and this time is no different.

"Aren't you going to wish me good luck today?" Kang says while we walk next to each other.

"Of course" I say with a smile.

"Now I know I will do my best" He chuckles and I have to admit his laugh has to be one of his most handsome features. "The girls will also do a song at the end of the audition I will make sure to keep my thoughts on you." He smiles back looking down on me.

"Thank you" I stop walking to quickly bow before continuing.

"If you get nervous just look my way and I will be looking at you" I feel him get closer and I think he is doing it on purpose. "I will only be looking at you" He whispers closer to my ear and I feel small chills. I don't know what game he is playing but I hate that I like it. I look to my surroundings to distract myself from what he just said and I notice we are passing a bunch of doors and offices. The rest of the way we are both quiet and I am thankful when we finally stop in front of double doors. The guy from before let us know that inside we will meet the panel of people who will judge our performance. He announces that the panel is mostly choreographers and to the surprise of all of us one of the members of the group will be joining the judges. I feel my stomach hit the floor with those last words and even though we have no idea who could it be my brain fills with images of just one guy. I was never told what group we are auditioning for back up dance and I was afraid of asking.

The guy that has become our guide opens the double doors and again I wait for everyone else to enter. But this time Kang does the same and I look up to him to notice he is looking at me. He winks with a smirk and I look away. I again use my surroundings to control my feelings and once it is my turn to enter I try to avoid looking at Kang. I quickly explore the huge room filled with floor length mirrors. I am still behind my crew and I am not able to see who the judges are. The guys go to the middle of the room and the girls stay back surrounding me. The guys are so tall that I don't think we will be able to see who is in front unless we move away.

"Girls follow me" Nari says pointing to a corner of the room that will give us a great view of the guys performance. We all follow her quietly and I don't lift my gaze afraid that one of the judges is someone I know. My plan is to be as unnoticeable as possible. "This is a good spot" Nari says taking a seat on the floor. The other girls and I do the same and we all lean our backs to the wall. Nari is in the middle with Gi and Yari to her right and Jae and I on her left.

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