~Chapter 14~

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~Here we go~ 

~So put your best face on, everybody pretend you know this song, everybody come hang!~

~Let's go out with a bang~



You smirked at everyone's shocked face. You thought for a second how all the headbands your sneaky Pokémon got counted if no one knew they were out, you caught eyes with Midnight you just winked at you oh, she must've seen them. Present Mic shouted so all the cheering people could hear him "We'll proceed to the afternoon portion after a one hour break! See you then!" The cameras turned off to show other shows and what not and you sighed in relief, even though the cavalry battle was only twenty minutes it tired you out. 

Everyone began to talk to each other about random stuff and congratulating each other. Pikachu patted you on the leg to get your attention "Yeah?" Pikachu asked you about a certain event and you started to go towards the cafeteria with everyone else with the mouse following you "Oh yeah, that's gonna be right before the third event, while Midnight is explaining the next event you get the stuff alright?" "Pika!" 

Over where the hosts were, Present Mic asked his friend "Hey Aizawa, wanna grab some food?" Aizawa already had his eyes closed and about to fall asleep "I'm taking a nap." Present mic swung over to the two talking Pokemon and asked the same thing "Sorry, I need to charge myself so I can be ready for the next event! Maybe next year!" Rotomdex left the room to find somewhere he can charge by themselves. Slightly dejected he went to Meowth "Hey Cat! Wanna get some grub?" Meowth looked at the pro as if he had asked him the stupidest question in the galaxy. "I have better things to do then to then to get food with you." Meowth left the room leaving the host to get food by himself, poor Present Mic. 

You went into the cafeteria with Pikachu on your shoulder, you sweated at the sight of all the people. "I'm just gonna grab myself food then we'll find somewhere where I can feed you all in peace." You grabbed a sandwich of your choice and a water bottle and left the busy area. You wondered around the place and decided to just get all of your Pokemon and go outside. 

You didn't see anyone outside and you let out a deep breath. You put out multiple bowls which vary in sizes and let out the Pokemon, of course I won't say what all of the Pokemon are but they were all happy that they could be outside. Being inside a Pokeball must be kind of annoying when you do it for around an hour. Salamence stretched out their wings and yawned then started eating. You patted them on the back as Pikachu left your shoulder to go eat. 

"All of you eat up! We still all have loads to do." The Pokemon that got you all of headbands at the end finished eating and went to the shade of a tree. You smiled and got out their favorite berry and walked to them. "You did an amazing job back there! I'm so proud of you." You gave them a berry and they happily accepted it. Salamence left out a happy roar and you threw a berry their way which they ate while it was in the air. "Great job at the obstacle course Salamence!" 

Pikachu ran to you and the sneaky Pokemon went to another tree, they were really shy. "You did awesome too. Here's your berry." Pikachu let out a happy cry before taking the orange berry. "Eevee!" The shiny Eevee twin ran over to you with the other twin behind them. You weren't going to use them in any events and you didn't even want to bring them but they kept bagging and begging and you gave in. "Hey you two." You greeted, the shiny Eevee pawed at you asking for affection. You picked up Eevee and placed them on your lap and petted them behind their ears. 

~The Chained Hero~  Bnha x Pokémon Trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now