"Talk to her instead of making up scenarios in your head." Hailey urged. "Then you can live with the reality." I clung onto Hailey's arm. I nodded causing Hailey to smile.

"Hailey?" She hummed. "I'm gonna need a night light."


I was walking along the halls when I got cornered by Natalie, Tatia, and Cara. Cara crossed her arms and smirked. Natalie looked at me seductively and moved behind me. Tatia was glaring daggers at me. She was the one who scared me the most. Natalie and Cara suddenly grabbed my hands and dragged me into the bathroom.

There were a few girls in the bathroom. Tatia snapped and motioned for them to leave. The girls quickly fled from the bathroom. Cara released me to lock the door. I shivered when I felt Natalie move a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Quit it, Nat." Tatia demanded.

"Whatever, buzzkill." Nat grumbled.

"Why so stiff, Zena?" Cara teased me.

"You guys locked me in a bathroom. I think that's grounds to be nervous." I backed away from Cara.

"She's so cute... no wonder Acacia has a thing for her." Nat giggled with Cara.

"Enough, you two." Tatia snapped at them. "You said something to her, didn't you?" Her gaze hardened. "What did you say that made her run to my room and hysterically cry?" My heart dropped at hearing I hurt her. "She was too distraught to explain what happened, so I allowed her to rest. In her sleep, she kept mumbling about you hurting her. So I'll ask you one more time... what did you do to her?" I gulped when Tatia's irises turned red.

"I j-just-"

"Did you reject her or something?" Cara wondered. "Why did you?"

"Like someone else?" Nat bit her lip, resulting in Cara shoving her. "Don't worry... I tease Acacia all the time."

"You what?" I snapped and took a step forward. "She's mine." I lowly growled.

"Easy, tiger." Cara chuckled and stepped between us. I immediately calmed my demon and wolf down. I allowed Cara to push us back. "Seems like Acacia is a sensitive subject for you."

"Why so sensitive if you rejected her?" Tatia was struggling to contain her anger. "You hurt my best friend." She said through gritted teeth. "I'm barely holding myself back from ripping you to shreds."

"I don't think killing her is the best course of action, TaTas." Nat smirked and juggled Tatia's breast. Is Tatia's nickname another name for titties? Tatia shoved Nat away from her. "You need to speak to Acacia before she becomes deeply hurt." Nat ran a finger along my arm.

"NAT!" Cara and Tatia yelled at her. "Quit flirting with her." Tatia stated.

"Fine." Nat whined. "But if it doesn't work out with-"


"Just talk to her. If you want to reject her, then do it to her face." Cara gave me an encouraging smile.

"You guys seem to forget that she's betrothed." They loudly groaned at that. "I'm not gonna be a homewrecker or-"

"Please, you're better than Jethro." Tatia dismissed me. "She was never into that aristocrat, but she's always had a thing for you."

"Then why did she treat me worse than trash?" I fired back. Tatia sighed and averted her eyes. I turned to Nat and Cara, but they were giving me pitying looks. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "I have to go." I turned to leave, but Tatia caught my wrist.

"Please, talk to her. She's really hurt."

"Fine." I sighed. Tatia actually genuinely smiled. She released me, so I took that as my cue to leave the bathroom.

I left the bathroom and walked down the halls. I turned the corner and stopped when I saw Acacia. She stopped in surprise. Acacia sighed and began to approach me. Me being me decided the best course of action was to escape. I turned to run away, but I ended up running into a door. I groaned and held my forehead.

"Are you alright?" Acacia's hands touched my forehead. "It's getting red." She sighed. "Come on." She took my hand and dragged me to the nurse's office.

I tuned out whatever Acacia was saying to the nurse, but she made my situation sound more serious than it actually was. The nurse handed me an ice pack, but Acacia thought I shouldn't put any added stress on my body. She opted to hold the ice pack against my head. I blushed at how close she was. She was checking my face for other injuries. Unfortunately, I could feel her breath fanning my lips. I couldn't take it anymore, so I closed the distance between us.

Acacia dropped the ice pack in shock. I held her close and deepened the kiss. Acacia let out a content sigh and wrapped her arms around my neck. We pulled apart when we heard a throat clearing. We turned to see the nurse looking at us weirdly.

"Here's some water." The nurse said before leaving.

I was too embarrassed to even say thank you. I glanced at Acacia who was just as red as me. I took a sip of water, so we could delay speaking about-

"We need to talk."

Well, shit.

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