Update on My Plan in The Future

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I was planning on making an Oumeno oneshot book because of *ahem* OTP. I was even planning on announcing it. But then I realized, I don't believe anyone would like the stories or the writing.

Cuz if I noticed anything and I mean anything...nobody seems to really care about my writing. Remember when Andy said to Woody "I don't want to play with you anymore"? That's what I feel with the people on wp.

Sometimes I feel like I have hope to post here thinking someone would like it but then again, I realize something, I never had hope to begin with.

I post, thinking I was doing something to a community but I really was doing nothing. It's free but since it's all torn up people don't want it.

But Wp did give me experience in writing stories which I am thankful for that.

But ever since I ended my ff book I felt like nobody would actually appreciate it even if it kept going.

I think my writing is good but then I get like 20 reads and 0 votes so yeah, my self-confidence dropped.

I won't post often anymore because, haha statistics show many people are not even reading the goddamn chapter. Like it's 1000 words and the average is that you read 29% of it. That makes me feel worse about even trying to publish it, like why should I even bother.

Part of my stress in my rl is this website. Maybe I should just take a break and see if my break would change my mind. Maybe I should do that.

I thought maybe posting in this book instead of my other would make me feel better but it's not.

But whatever the matter just know that i'm putting my mentality first over writing.

I guess that the Oumeno oneshot book would only be on ao3 once I have time to write a oneshot on them.

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight.🔦

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