
Guang Wang Lei played with his Bar's hair as he explained some things to him.
"Usually when I enter worlds, I can only retain in that world's strongest being. My soul weightage is heavy so only the strongest can hold it up. Normally that's how it worked in those worlds. But in this world...the strongest being was cough..... formless so I had to make a human body for myself. I cultivated to achieve that yet when I was done I failed to create myself a human body out of my formless self. So I tempered the rules of this world a little bit and made myself a host by altering the rules of this world.
I used the natural essence of this world to make my human form. I never thought the essence of this world would reject my soul. Anyway I still proceeded with my plans and took over the empty host I had created for myself."

Ivar felt a bit guilty. So this was the reason why he was so late in coming after him this time.
"So this body of yours is still rejecting your soul?"

"Correct. And it's falling apart bit by bit because my soul weightage is eating it up." He added one more sentence before concluding. "But it's the body that's crumbling and not my soul, so I am perfectly fine and healthy."

Ivar felt his heart go heavy. This guy....he was doing all of this just for him. Just because of him. He loved him so much when he kept pushing him away in the beginning.
"Wang Lei...."


"Should we leave this world...."

Guang Wang Lei was taken aback. He chuckled. "Babe, you do realise that your family will go berserk if you leave so suddenly now?"

Ivar got up. He kissed him on his forehead. Looking at him affectionately...he smiled saying. "They are not as important as you. You are more important, the most important person to me."

Thump. Thump.

His smile sent Guang Wang Lei's heart on a heavy rampage. He blushed a bit, his lips arching up. "Is this a confession you are making?"

Ivar smiled again. "If not then what?"

Guang Wang Lei flinched. His heart was beating terrifyingly as if it was about to jump out of his chest. He almost had a heart attack when he saw his kitty approaching his face with that damn beautiful smile. Their faces stopped an inch away from each other.

"Wang Lei..." Ivar spoke in a seductive voice. "I love you." His breathe fell on the other man's lips.

This was it. Guang Wang Lei couldn't take it anymore as his breathe hitched. "I love you too." Saying this he pried open those cute lips with his tongue, prodding inside, smacking Ivar's inner walls with his obsessive tongue, gnawing at his mouth possessively as if he was about to gobble him up. He tilted his head, changing the kissing angle from time to time, intensifying the kiss with each passing second. He felt his kitty responding ecstatically.

"Fuwahh...huff..huff...." When they parted their lips Ivar gasped for air, his lips trembling frantically from their melting kiss. He quivered a little bit before pulling Wang Lei for another feverish kiss. When their tongues interwined with each other, the taste of their saliva mixed in their mouths, the moist warmth of their insides melting away with the frenzy kiss they were exchanging.

The system was as always ogling at them making out. Nulis kept staring at their lips attached to each other, their tongues when poking out was drenched in their saliva, the silver thread sticking to the corner of the lips as the two kissed as if they were eating each other's lips. It was such a logic defying kiss. They didn't even look like they were breathing as they kissed each other.
"Damn. This Guang Wang Lei is such a good kisser. And I never knew that my partner could kiss like this after crying like earlier." Nulis was too busy to think of his host's confession because the activity taking place in the bed was attracting his entire attention.