"Make me a body where I can move. A human body."

This was the outrageous command of the holy Crann. It wanted to move to a human body. This was suspicious enough to garner their attention.

"I want it done in three days!"

When it said those words all those who heard it speak almost fainted at his authorative. selfish command. Asking for a human body to be made for him, and that too only in three days!


The holy Crann has been the soul of fairyland for thousand of years. Legend has it that it was made by a being who was above god, a wandering being who planted it on the planet of mith. From its branches sprouted the fairies, its roots became the wingless fairies, and it's leaves became the pixies. The holy Crann was the source of power for the fairies but....here it was.....demanding for an outrageous thing within three days.

Although the holy Crann was very powerful, it was still just a tree that birthed the fairies and blessed them with power.

It was still a Tree. A TREE!

Gaung Wang Lei was tired of seeing the same reaction over and over. "Why are you not answering? I am merely asking for a human body. Just make one."

That was also an issue. Queen Sill replied with due respect, although it was ultimately fear that tamed her to behave like this.
"But Holy Crann, the people of twilight don't have the ability to make a human body. We were not blessed by the gods the right to create it. Even the angel race don't have that power as a blessing. Only the gods can fulfill holy Crann's request. Please be understading. And even if we attempt to make one it will take millions of years to make one."

"So useless and weak!"
Guang Wang Lei had no time to waste around like this. He had to meet up with his kitty, flirt with him and go to dates with him and he still had a lot of work to do to seduce him. He had just entered this world a few days ago, tracing down his Kitty's trails.
Usually for him, he had to be the strongest being present in any world that he enters but never ever had he ever thought that the strongest being in this world would be a fucking tree!
A tree that has no face, no mouth but just a long stall of life giving stick. Even if it were a moving tree with legs, he would have easily suffice with it but no, this tree right here had to be as straight as a pole, standing rigid in its place and never moving.

Maybe he should just reenter this world after exiting it. He was seriously considering it. But there was another problem to it. If he did inhibit another body below his soul weightage then that body would be unable to hold up his soul and would wither under his power within two days. If he were to choose this option he would have to keep exiting and entering this world again and again which was bound to be very troublesome.
But thinking about Bar....maybe he could endure it.



The voice of the holy tree kept on sighing.

"Alright, let's be practical. Is there any other way for me to gain a human body?" He was scouting out each and every possible road. This was because Guang Wang Lei was desperate. He was very desperate.
The first thing he planned he would do after following his kitty to this world was to kiss him breathless but now, he did not even had a mouth he could kiss with.

Queen Sill raised her head. She thought for a moment before replying. "In the records of ancient legends, there is one possible way. Though that process may not bear fruit most of the time, its probability is 0.1 percent. Meaning the chances of succeeding is less than one percent."