Slowly and quietly backing up I look back at him before walking into the kitchen to make come coffee and breakfast.

Yoongi Pov

I shifted in my sleep rolling over, realising where I was too late. I fell off the edge of the couch I'd been sleeping on flat onto the hardwood floor. I groaned at the impact, lifting myself up and sitting down with my back pressed against the couch behind me.

Rubbing my eyes, I look around at the room I'm in. It takes me a few seconds to process where I am. My eyes go wide as I scramble to my feet looking around for my phone. I find it pushed down between the side of the couch cushions. I turn it on to see the time.

"shit" is the first thing that comes to mind. I slept the night here; I feel my breath quicken and my head starts to pound. I drop my phone on the couch before sinking down to the floor my hands pulling at my hair and yelping at the pain in my chest and head.

The sound must have been loud as the next thing I feel is a pair of hands placed on my knees, which were pulled up to my chest.

Author Pov

"Yoongi look at me... come on beautiful can you look at me?"


"That's right beautiful, it's me. I want you to listen to me carefully, ok? Can you do that for me?"

Yoongi nods slightly as tears start streaming down his face.

"I want you to tell me something, anything something that makes you happy. Describe it to me ok... Can you do that?"

Hoseok was now sat down in found of Yoongi, concern filling his expression as he watches Yoongi try to stutter out a response.

"I-I don't k-know."

Hoseok gingerly raises his hands to Yoongi's cheeks and pulls his head up to look at him. Hoseok's gaze instantly softens when he sees his red puffy eyes. He wipes his tears and looks back at his eyes.

"Then just look at me, focus on me and nothing else ok. Breathe."

Yoongi does just that he keeps his eyes on Hoseok as his vision starts to sharpen again and the man sat in front of him comes into focus. His eyes are washed with concern and care. Soon enough Yoongi starts to calm down and falls into Hoseok's open arms, burying his head in his neck and Hoseok pushes his hand through Yoongi's hair.

Yoongi Pov

I had no idea what happened to me, it's never happened before. I was so overwhelmed, and my mind was running so quickly all I could focus on was the amount to shit I'm going to get later. No doubt my father is already home by now and has noticed I'm not home.

I had no idea what waited for me at home, the though terrified me.

I had told Hoseok pretty much everything last night but there was one detail I left out. I hadn't told him about my father physically hurting me a few weeks ago. It was only once so it seemed inconsequential at the time. But now it was all I was concerned about.

Would he do it again? I broke every rule yesterday, all of them. I got a slap from my father for breaking one. What would he do when I broke all of them?

Honestly, I was petrified. The only thing keeping me grounded right now was the tight embrace Hoseok had me locked into. I felt safe, like as long as I was here my father couldn't reach me.

I lifted my head to Hoseok who was smiling down at me. 'god he's so perfect'.

"What time is it?" I asked, quite proud I was able to stop myself from stuttering.

"Around 11am I think."

I sat up removing myself from Hoseok embrace and pulled myself to my feet to grab my phone and collect my hat and mask from the table putting my hat on followed by my mask.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok asked from his position on the floor.

"I need to go home; I've already been gone way to long." "If my father hasn't already realised, I'm not home, it won't take him much longer. I have to go."

Hoseok stood up and walked over to me putting his hands on my waist. "I don't want you to go, especially back to your father."

"I have to Hoseok, I can't exactly leave. I have nowhere else to go".

"Stay here, at least you'll be safe here."

I shook my head. "I can't. I won't be a burden on you as well."


"No Hoseok, I won't."

Hoseok huffed as his shoulders slouched and his arms fell from my waist.

"Well at least let me take you home".

"That'll only make things worse for me if he sees you. Please Hoseok just let it go."

Hoseok stood silent for a moment until his head dropped in defeat.

"Fine but promise to call me when you get back. I want to know if you're safe."

I nodded heading to the door to put my shoes on. Just as I was about to open the door. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me backwards to face Hoseok.

"One last thing before you go." Hoseok looked at me before reaching up to my mask and pulling it down.

"So beautiful" he said as he swiped his thumb down my cheek before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was quick and soft. It wasn't a goodbye kiss. It was a 'see you soon' type of kiss.

I felt my cheeks warm up and flush a light shade of pink as he pulled away. He smirked at my expression.

We stood staring at each other for a few seconds before I pulled up my mask and opened the door slipping down out into the hallway and out the building towards my father's house.


Ok ok... so this isn't the longest chapter but it's not the shortest either. Hopefully, you enjoyed it.

I've had a couple ideas for another sope story, would you be interested in it? I prob won't publish it till this one is finished as I'm already inconsistent with this story as is. But is it something I should pursue?

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