Chapter 33

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Annabeth POV

At Lake Valor, they hang a silver star for a fallen soldier and a gold star for a fallen special agent. 

Technically, Percy already had a gold star on the wall of commemorates, but it was taken down after we found him a few months ago. 

Now, another star was going up on the wall. 

We were in the main lobby of Lake Valor headquarters. The stars were hung proudly in the main lobby of the building for everyone to see. 

Today, rows of metal chairs were set up in front of the commemoration wall. The seats faced the silver stars for soldiers and gold stars for agents that were hung in honor. 

Hallways led out in the left and right while the main entrance to the building was behind us. 

As someone who loved architecture growing up, I greatly admired the internal design and beauty of my institution. 

People were slowly filing in for the ceremony. 

I was sitting in the front row alongside a few other team members. We were all in all black as expected of us. Despite successfully taking down two large terrorist organizations, we couldn't celebrate until we honored those that we have lost. 

Even so, I don't see myself celebrating anytime. 

"Hey, Annabeth, you know that Percy would be here if he could. Despite the situation, he'd try to make sure that you weren't too sad," Piper said kindly.

I nodded as I lightly smiled at my friend. Still, tears were in my eyes. 

Piper was right that Percy couldn't be here for this, but I wished he was.

My eyes lingered on Jason, who was holding Piper's hand. I could see the storms in his blue eyes as he stared at the stars on the commemoration wall. 

Jason was the most impacted by what happened. Obviously, he knew the agent for the longest amount of time, and they shared a deep, friendly bond to this day. 

In the next few minutes, people trickled into the lobby and took their seats. 

Everyone wanted to honor and respect one of the most important agents, who lost their lives to make the world a better place. 

Oversight had also taken their seats in the front row. 

I watched as Chiron walked up to the podium in all black. He stationed himself at the podium to give a commemorative speech, and the lobby quietened. The atmosphere gloomed as the conversations stopped. Everyone's attention was on Chiron now. 

"Thank you, everyone, for coming today," Chiron expressed. "We are here today to honor a very valuable agent." 

Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my hands. 

I quickly checked the screen. Percy texted me asking if the ceremony started. His name, noted as Seaweed Brain, in my phone shone with the message. 

I smiled lightly. Of course, Seaweed Brain wanted an update on the ceremony. Moreover, this was one of his ways of checking on me. 

"Even though Reyna Arellano didn't work for Lake Valor, she was a phenomenal agent. I can safely say that WiCKeD and BlodgeHarm could not be defeated with her sacrifice," Chiron continued genuinely.

I quickly replied to Percy and told him that the ceremony started already. 

Percy didn't text me after that out of respect. 

I turned my attention back to Chiron's speech. Chiron was true in every word he was saying. I had gotten close to Reyna during our undercover experience, and she truly was a phenomenal agent and person. 

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