Chapter 28

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Annabeth POV

Ethan Nakamura stood over Reyna with his gun pointed to her head. 

Reyna was laying on the ground with her hands clutching her head. Ethan harshly struck the butt of his gun against her head, which left her disoriented. 

I frantically looked around the room, but there weren't any weapons. 

"Who are you and why are you signaling foreign channels?" Ethan asked gruffly. 

I crawled closer towards Ethan and Reyna. I was currently behind Ethan, so I had the surprise advantage if we had to fight. 

"I was ordered to," Reyna said shakily. 

"I don't believe that for a second, you spy. Any last words that you would like to share with the universe before you get a bullet to the brain," Ethan said firmly. 

Reyna visibly gulped as she brought her hands to a surrender position.

Through the moonlight shining through the windows, I could see the blood glistening on her palms. Gods, she was seriously hurt. This was not good. 

I carefully stood up and quietly walked towards Ethan. 

The atmosphere was tense as Ethan cocked his gun. He had a silencer on his gun, so even if he shot, there wouldn't be any sound. 

That was the only good thing about this situation, and I was going to use it. 

"Ethan," I acknowledged firmly. 

Ethan whirled around immediately, but my arm was already in the air. I grabbed his wrist and used his momentum to push him back. 

I kicked the gun out of his hand, and it skids across the floor.

Ethan was good at combat, and the fight was tough. We did end up making some noise as we both took hits. 

Suddenly, my fist struck him across the jaw. 

"Aww, you're going to pay for that," Ethan growled as he stormed forward. 

I dodged his kick by ducking and then spun-kicked him in the knee. Ethan fell onto the floor with a thud while I ran towards his gun. 

However, Ethan was faster than I thought. 

I raised my gun at him, but Ethan was right in front of me. Both of our hands battled for the gun in between us. 

"Who the hell are you?" he shrieked. 

I winced as his arm twisted. The gun was pressing sharply into my palm. I glared at his face as I spun and elbowed him in the chest before kicking up. 

Men have a serious weakness compared to women in combat. 

Ethan groaned as his grip loosened. This leverage was all I need to pull the gun away from him and press it against his forehead. 

"That's enough," I said firmly. "Turn around with your hands in the air." 

Ethan obliged. The room was dark and cold as I forcefully walked him towards the radio. Reyna was sitting up against the wall. 

Suddenly, Ethan spun around. I barely dodged the blade, which was an inch away from my face. 

"Annabeth, watch out," Reyna exclaimed. 

Ethan and I both paused as we stared at each other. My mask was still on, but my identity was revealed anyway. 

"Annabeth Chase, well, this is gonna be fun," Ethan snarled. 

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