Chapter 3

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Annabeth POV

I stared at the man crouched on the ground in the corner.

Percy was only in his boxers. His tan skin was slightly paler now, and bruises of different colors were staining his entire body with shades of red, blue, and black.

Percy Jackson was alive, but he looked almost like a ghost.

"Agent Jackson," Connor said in shock as he lowered his weapon.

I immediately went forward towards him. Our relationship was a secret, but I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Percy," I whispered as I knelt next to him.

His sea-green eyes were clouded in pain and conflict as he looked all around the room. Then, his intense gaze fell on me.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad that you're okay," I choked.

However, something was wrong.

When I clasped my hand over his arm gently, his body jerked away in response. I could see the pain and something else in his eyes.

I sat there in shock that Percy actually pulled away from me.


"Who are you?" Percy asked, immediately interrupting me.

A silent tension invaded the cold atmosphere of the room. I simply stared at Percy before turning back to Piper, Connor, and Agent La Rue.

"Who are any of you?" he cried.

Something was definitely wrong. Percy looked like he was in some deep turmoil and pain. He couldn't recognize us. He didn't know us.

"Percy, it's me. I'm your Wise G-, err, recruit. I'm your recruit at Lake Valor," I said.

I had to fix my words to him since there were other people in the room. After all, no one knew about our relationship, and now, something was wrong with Percy.

"What is Lake Valor? Who are you, people?" Percy cried out as he climbed to his feet.

I just sat there in shock as I stared up at his face.

I didn't want to look at his bruised body. He was a little thinner, but not substantially so. Even though he had many physical injuries, you could still admire the fitness and physique of his body. Percy used to be a swimmer.

"Whoa, Agent Jackson, I'm Clarisse La Rue. Do you remember me? We trained and worked together for years at our institution," Agent La Rue explained calmly.

She slowly made her way towards Percy.

Percy looked close to breaking down. He shook his head as his arms shook in frustration and confusion. His hand touched the back of his head gently.

"I don't know you. Any of you," he breathlessly whispered as tears flowed down his face.

Agent La Rue simply stared at her friend and rival.

I've never seen Percy like this. Hell, the person in front of me wasn't even Percy because he didn't recognize us. He didn't seem to remember anything.

"Percy," I acknowledged again.

His sea-green eyes turned to me and softened. However, he made no indication of familiarity.

But, there was something that I couldn't place.

All of the recruits exchanged worried glances. This wasn't good. Percy didn't even recognize or know me. I was struggled to hold back my hurt and tears.

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