Chapter 1

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Annabeth POV

My hands were enclosed into fists. A white textile cloth was wrapped around my knuckles to give a softer blowback when I punched. 

I struck the punching bag hard. 

The black leather bag swayed to my punch before I struck it again. Sweat dripped from my forehead and soaked my gray tank top. 

I had been in the training center for over an hour now. The punching bag was a good way to alleviate stress, but it wasn't working. 

I was pretty sure that nothing would work today. 

"Annabeth, it's almost time for the ceremony," Piper said as she entered the training center. 

Piper was a fellow trainee and also my roommate. We had become very good friends since our training at Lake Valor started a year and a half ago. Piper was a natural beauty, and her specialty involved coercion. 

"I know, Piper," I said with a pant as I grabbed my water bottle. 

Piper was wearing a simple black dress. It was perfect for a service ceremony to commemorate the dead. 

"I don't think that I want to come," I said firmly. 

"Annabeth, this isn't just any funeral service ceremony. Percy Jackson was one of Lake Valor's finest agents and our mentor," Piper informed me. 

Percy was so much more than that to me.  

Of course, Piper didn't know that. As far as I knew, no one found out about Percy's and my relationship. It started a secret, and it died a secret along with Percy. 

"Annabeth, it would be disrespectful to not go," Piper said firmly. 

"Yeah, you're right, Piper," I agreed. I followed Piper to the locker rooms. I had told Piper to bring me a black dress from our room. 

"I'll wait for you outside," Piper said solemnly as she handed me my bag. 

I nodded before stepping into the locker rooms. it was empty because I was pretty sure that everyone was already on their way to Percy's service ceremony. 

I let out a shaky breath before sitting down on the wooden bench next to my locker. 

I ran my fingers through my hair before taking off my tank top. I'd definitely have to shower considering I was sweating and tired. 

In the shower, I relished the feel of the warm water flowing down my skin. 

Suddenly, I felt soft lips press against my shoulder. I gasped as I whirled around, but (of course) nobody was there. It was a flashback of Percy. 

Gods, I missed him so much. 

Our relationship was kept a secret because Percy was already an agent and my mentor. It was forbidden for a special agent/supervisor to fraternize with the trainees. However, Percy and I just clicked, and our relationship was practically inevitable. 

But, now, Percy Jackson was gone. 

It's been 6 months since he went missing. According to protocol, it was time to pronounce him dead because that was likely what happened. 

I quickly shook my head to reset my mind. 

I couldn't start crying because I knew that I wouldn't stop.

I quickly finished getting ready and met Piper outside. She was talking on the phone, probably with her boyfriend. 

"Hey, Piper, I'm ready," I said. 

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