Chapter 30

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Percy POV

It was hard to tell which soldier was Annabeth because they were all wearing masks. The drone that Leo was controlling was flying fairly high in the sky to be undetected. 

As such, it was hard to get a detailed visual. 

However, I realized something was wrong immediately after a ring of soldiers surrounded a blonde-haired soldier, who was now unmasked. 

Annabeth was in trouble, so I did the one thing that I had to do. 

I went rogue and performed a distraction. 

Lake Valor had weapons ready, so I took them and drove towards the east side of the camp. Piper and Jason followed me while Leo and Thalia were in our ears.

 The other team members were on the west side of the camp. 

"Percy, she's going to be okay. She can handle herself," Jason said firmly. 

"I know that she's capable, but you guys need to know that Kronos and Krios won't waste any time in disposing of a traitor. We need a distraction now to save her," I said sharply. 

I turned the car and sped into the electric fence. 

Piper shrieked as the electric fence broke down and sent vibrations through our van. I didn't care as I drove towards the nearest green generator with full force. 

"Everyone, get out," I shouted. 

Jason and Piper both opened their doors and threw themselves out of the car. I watched as they rolled against the ground. My attention turned back to the view.

Two terrorist soldiers were run down as the distance closed between my van and the generator. My left hand clutched the driver's door. 

I gave the last push before launching myself out of the van. 

The impact was hard, and I groaned as my still injured chest pounded against the ground. Gunshots were firing around me as Jason and Piper were giving me cover.

Suddenly, the van drove into a generator. 

A loud explosion shook the entire facility. Considering how close I was to the explosion, my body was thrown back. 

Smoke surrounded me as a high-pitched whistle entered my ears. 

"Gah," I groaned as my hands slapped my ears. The impact of the explosion seriously rocked my body hard. 

I stood after a few stumbles, and the smoke started to clear. I felt arms grab me and pull me towards a nearby alleyway. Jason's concerned face came into view. 

"Percy, Percy, answer me," he shouted. 

His voice sounded quiet even though I knew that he was screaming. However, after a few seconds, my head became normal again. 

I could feel the blood in my ears. 

"Jason, I'm all right. Where's Piper?" I asked. I looked around our alleyway and noticed that the nearest building was labeled by the #5 in the southeast sector. 

"Piper is going to blow another generator. Percy, I have to go with her. Are you okay?" Jason asked again with concern. 

I wiped the smoke and blood off of my cheek. 

"Yes, Jason, I'm fine. Please go help her with the distractions," I said boldly as I pulled out my earpieces. They were damaged due to the explosion. 

"Jason, I need an earpiece," I said. 

He easily handed it over before running off. I quickly connected the earpiece to my ear before drawing my gun. I scanned the square layout of the buildings. 

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