Chapter 9

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Annabeth POV

"Aww, I can't believe that you're finally going out on a date," Piper squealed.

I rolled my eyes at Piper as I continued to shoot the target. I was a very good gun shooter, but there were better shooters at Lake Valor for sure.

"I've known you for two years now, and I've never seen you with a guy," Piper said.

That's because I kept my relationship a secret, I wanted to say.

I quickly shook thoughts of Percy out of my head. I wouldn't be able to go out to dinner with another man if Percy kept coming into my mind. According to the world, Percy wasn't a reason for me to avoid dating someone else.

I sighed and took another shot instead. This time the bullet hit the target's chest area, right in the left lung.

For those that didn't know, recreational shooting was great for stress relief.

"Piper, where your shooting goggles," I said boldly.

I didn't know why but Piper hated wearing the neon shooting goggles that were required. The headset and goggles protected you from the sound and possible kickback.

"You follow the rules too much," Piper whined as she reinforced her goggles.

Yeah, I was a rule follower because I followed logic, and logic usually dictates following the rules. Of course, rule-following didn't help me with Percy. It only ended in heartache.

"Anyway, I didn't expect Luke Castellan to ask you for dinner," Piper said.

"Yeah, me neither," I said with a sigh.

I carefully placed the gun back down on the table in front of me. The shooting lanes were mostly empty besides another pair of recruits in the far right lane.

"But, I'm glad that you said yes, Annabeth. You deserve to be happy," Piper said genuinely.

I nodded with a smile. "Thanks, Piper."

I wasn't sure if a date with Luke would make me happy. However, his expertise and rank would certainly help my own personal agenda if he was willing to help. Of course, I had to make sure that I can trust him first.

"So, Annie, when was your last relationship?" Piper asked seriously.

I turned towards in surprise. I hadn't told her about Percy and me, but her analytical look made me suspicious that she knew. Regardless, I decided to lie.

"Way before I came to Lake Valor," I said smoothly.

Piper simply stared at me before nodded. However, it was obvious that she didn't believe me. we stood there in awkward silence before deciding to head back to the apartment.

I'd probably have to get ready soon for dinner with Luke later tonight.


I checked my hidden safe to make sure that the clue was still there. It was.

Ever since suspecting traitors or a conspiracy within Lake Valor, I was extra cautious about my actions. Specifically, I didn't want to lose the only lead I had to crack this mission (i.e. the chipped portion of the badge that I found at the black site).

However, I had no idea how to track the possible traitor via this clue.


I will figure out everything, and nothing would stop me from making my world and my institution a better and safer place.

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