Chapter 4

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Annabeth POV

"Excuse me, we are running an interrogation," Octavion exclaimed. 

I sighed as I looked into the interrogation room from the training room that we were sitting in. Percy was still on the ground, but Thalia started to help him up. 

"Yeah, interrogation's over," Thalia snapped angrily. 

Her expressions softened when she saw the look of fear and confusion on Percy's face. I still couldn't believe that Percy lost his memory. 

Percy didn't know anyone here, including his friends and family. 

That must be so scary. 

"Octavioin, please come back," Director Chiron said in his earpiece. 

Octavion obliged our teacher's words, but he didn't seem too happy. Regardless, he left the room, which left Percy and Thalia alone in the interrogation room. 

"Come on, Percy. Let's go home," Thalia said. 

"Home?" Percy asked confused. 

"Yeah, I know that we're not related, but we are family, regardless. Besides, you used to live with Jason and me in our apartment," Thalia explained gently. 

"I don't know you. How can I trust any of you?" Percy asked. 

My eyes strained with tears at the prospect that Percy didn't know or trust us. Didn't know and trust me. 

Gods, what I would do to hear him call me 'Wise Girl' again. 

I quickly wiped my face as I watched Thalia and Percy leave the room. Director Chiron dismissed all of the recruits soon afterward. He didn't look like he was in the mood for questions, so no one asked any even though we probably had questions. 

I watched Chiron solemnly leave the room. 

"Annabeth, I need to check on Jason and help out if I can," Piper said. 

I turned towards her. Piper was very good-hearted, and she was great at handling people. Maybe she'd have success talking to Percy. 

"I'll come with you Piper," I said with hope. 

We both silently nodded at each other before leaving the facility. We quickly caught up with Thalia and Percy in the hallway. 

"Jason's my brother, and he's waiting at the Lake Valor clinic. We think that you should get some of your injuries checked out," Thalia explained to Percy as we approached. 

"That's a really good idea," I said softly. 

Thalia and Percy both turned to me. Thalia's gaze washed over me, and I could see disapproval in her eyes. I didn't know why though. 

Percy looked damaged. Some of his bruises were still showing on his body, and he was limping. His forehead had a bruise now due to Octavion's punch. 

"I don't think you are needed," Thalia said harshly.

I implicitly winced at her words and tone. 

"Maybe they can join us," Percy said. 

Thalia turned to Percy in shock and confusion. Even I watched Percy. There was a certain glint in his eyes that I couldn't place. However, there was also pain. 

"She saved me," Percy expressed softly before looking downcast. 

Thalia gently rubbed Percy's arm. Honestly, I wanted to do the same. I wanted to take Percy's hand and comfort him, but I couldn't. 

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