Percy smiled reassuringly. "I'll be okay, Wise Girl. I have you and the team behind me." 

With that, Percy stood and walked smoothly into the field. Everyone's attention turned to Percy as he walked towards Kronos, Krios, and Luke. 

The soldiers aimed their guns at Percy's head. 

Percy stopped a few yards away from Kronos and Krios, who were smiling menacingly. I hated them. They did horrible things to so many people, yet they were smiling. It was disgusting. 

"Where's my seat?" Percy asked with confidence. 

I could tell that Percy wasn't scared of Kronos. Percy had a warrior's heart, which allowed him to enter any situation with strength and courage. 

This allowed him to make everyone else feel better as well. 

"You came here so that I can kill you. There's no need for a seat," Kronos said. His tone was dangerous and menacing. I certainly believed his words. 

"Well, that was rude," Leo's voice reverberated in my ear. 

Percy continued to talk with the terrorists. He was buying time for everyone to get ready. 

"In position," several voices said in my earpiece. Different Lake Valor, CIA, and MI6 teams were situated in the woods around the field. 

I brought out my gun and applied a scope to the top. While the targets weren't too far away, my aim could miss. Also, at least, the first shot had to hit a proper mark. My tranquilizer shot would motion Lake Valor to step forth from their hiding space. 

"Enough of this nonsense," Kronos exclaimed as he stood up. "Luke, you know what to do. Get him on his knees in front of me."

Luke immediately shot forward at Percy. 

It was a surprise even for Percy. His block was late causing them both to fall to the floor. However, both of them were experts at combat. 

They got up and faced each other. 

The other soldiers simply watched them battle. 

Percy's fighting was good, but he had two disadvantages. One, Luke was well-rested while Percy had been doing a lot in the past couple of days. Two, Luke had more experience with combat. 

Regardless, Percy held his own for the time being. 

Even as one eye lingered on their hand-to-hand fight, I aimed at my target: Kronos. 

The tranquilizer fired silently. I watched as the bullet traveled through the air. However, it didn't hit the right mark. 

Damn it. Krios stood up just as the tranq traveled into their field. 

Krios dropped like a stone as the bullet struck his neck. He'd be indefinitely unconscious for a few hours. Suddenly, everything went into motion. 

Percy took advantage of Luke's surprise and knocked him to the ground. 

Meanwhile, the woods exploded with activity. Soldiers and agents alike started firing at the terrorists, causing everyone to go into defensive mode. 

The terrorists took cover behind the vans and truck. 

A ring of soldiers guarded Kronos as they walked him towards the largest van. However, they weren't going anywhere because their tires were already shot out. 

Percy and Luke were still fighting as they dived behind the truck to dodge the bullets. 

I stepped into the clearing and fired at the soldiers. 

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