Start from the beginning

One by one, they filed out of Hercules's room, Phee and Athena moving to each of his side. While Athena glared at the men with nothing but disdain, Phee decided to strike up some small talk. "So," He started slowly as he pushed himself along. "Where did you go? You were gone for a few hours."

"Places." Hercules answered vaguely with a shrug. "Why?"

"I was just worried is all..." Concern almost made Herc look down to Phee. He decided to keep his eyes ahead, and only frown. "You're my brother... and you're so young-"

"Phee, I'm 24."

"Right... right. You are an adult... It slips my mind all the time. It feels like just yesterday when Hebe would rock you to sleep."

The memories made Herc smile. There were countless adventures he had with his family, loaded with arguments, hugs, fights, and love. He loved his family, more than most people would. Even now, as his brother and sister walked him to his death. "Yeah, and she probably made you change my diapers."

"No, we made Ares do it."

Hercules's laugh penetrated the otherwise silent hall. "No way! Did he?"

"Yep. Played with you a lot, too."

"Tell me you have pictures."

"Plenty. I'll give you some for your room after Dad sees you." Herc dropped the conversation by not responding. It wasn't intentional, Herc knew that, but it was impossible to not grow uncomfortable at the mention of his father. That man...

"That man gave you a purpose," Athena interjected sharply, her eyes focused and forward. "You should be grateful he even let you live this long."

"Athie!" Phee hissed at her. Hercules didn't verbally respond, knowing the physical consequences if he did. There was no point of arguing with her, because, to him, Athena was a prime example of his father's parenting. Lap dog. "Shut up. We didn't live his life. Which means we don't dictate how he feels about Dad."

"You only say that because you feel the same way." Her voice grew even, as if she was stating a simple fact. "You, too, were inadequate, but he still put you to use."

"And you're supposedly good enough?"

"He didn't throw me off a cliff, or manipulate my soul to acquire those hideous Soul Scars, now did he?"

When she smiled, Hercules almost snapped. He envisioned simply grabbing her with both of his arms and slamming her through the halls of Mount Olympus. Hearing her bones crack, snapping her neck, tearing her in two. Hurting and hurting and hurting, savoring her pain and knowing it would never end.

Physically, he didn't act. Mentally... Hercules left his mind open for both of his siblings to see his onslaught. Athena's smirk soured, and Phee shivered.

Besides, there was no time for him to attempt to destroy his sister, for the trio made it to the throne room.

Upon the golden, bejeweled throne sat the God King, in all his filthy glory. Even his grey hair shone in the moonlight from the windows. To his right sat his wife in her matching, but smaller throne. And to his left... sat one of the many princes, Hercules's drunk of a brother, Dionysus. Even though the King and Queen's expressions polarized - The King bearing a plentiful smile and the Queen sending daggers to Hercules - their eyes sinisterly matched. Dio's were faded with wine, but his smirk let Hercules know he was well aware of what was happening.

"Hercules, my son!" The God King cheered, opening his broad arms. "Divine greetings!"

Herc didn't greet back. Crossing his Soul-Scar-covered arms, he asked flatly, "What do you want? I was about to sleep."

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now