"It's safe out here, right?" I asked nervously, walking closer to Isaac.

"Yeah, the animals near the mountain are safe. No predator would dare come near the Denali." He said calmly.

"What are the Denali?" I hadn't read about them in any text.

"They are a race of dragons that live in the mountains. They are very territorial but reasonable in some cases. I've only ever met a couple when my mom was making sure Arvora was safe. We promised to stay out of the mountain range unless invited, and they promised to leave Arvora alone."

"Think I could meet one? I've always wondered about dragons."

Amused, he patted my head. "Maybe, but I warn you, they can be scary. They are powerful even in their humanoid forms."

It took a moment for me to register what he just said. My mouth fell open in shock. "Wait... They shift between human and dragon!"

"Is that weird?" he asked, his eyebrows raising slightly.

"No, I mean one read plenty of fantasy where there are shifters. You wouldn't believe how many werewolf stories are out there." I said, my eyes widened. "Are there werewolves in Arvora?!"

"No! At least, I've not met any. Then again, who knows what's over there in the Crystal continent?" he chuckled.

I recalled the map I once saw in the library. Arvora was big, but only a tiny corner of the crystal continent was mapped. My mind raced with all the possibilities of the unexplored area. Maybe one day we could explore all there was in this land. But, first I have to settle everything back home and have a very long talk with my dad.  I can come back after graduation and really dive into the world and its creatures. Maybe help stabilize the travel between?

"So what business do you have to do when we get back? I asked.

He smiled. "Well, I was hoping to walk you to training tomorrow and speak with Mother. I'll have to tell her about us..."

I giggled behind my hand. "Oh, she already knows."

Isaac's eyes widened. "What! Really?"

"She's not blind, Isaac. She knew there was something the first night we had dinner together." His face was absolutely dumbfounded. How could he be so oblivious?

He rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well, I'll still need to tell her." his smile faded. "Also, she's also been acting strangely. I fear the occultists are becoming too much for her to handle. She seems withdrawn and stressed all the time. You aren't the only one they tried to kidnap; there have been others all over Arvora, some not so lucky."

    I remembered the cloaked figure from the other day. I hope I never have to run into them again. Who knows what I'd do. I still have a lot to learn in terms of magic and fighting. I needed to learn everything I could.

We continued to walk further into the brush when I noticed it had become eerily quiet. I stopped and looked around, listening for anything.

"What's wrong?" he asked. His eyes followed my gaze into the forest.

Something was moving, making the trees and bushes sway, and it was big. Fear gripped me. Isaac pulled me closer as they seemed to multiply. We couldn't make out what they were. A low deep growl emanated from behind us, and more followed. We were surrounded. I felt Isaac's body tense, and his hand squeezed mine in silent reassurance. On the other hand, a blue fireball erupted. I focused and called on my aura. I felt it awaken deep within me and surge towards my hands.

"Collumino!" I whispered. The light formed in my hands, and it only took me a moment to create the whips I learned in training. Adrenaline pumped through me as Isaac and I stood back to back, ready for whatever emerged from the forest.

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