"A place far away from here. Just you and I."

En başından başla

With the graduation being in just two months. Wei Wuxian knew that he was going to pass with great marks and make it as one of the honor students. But, he had just spent so much time in home, that he could not possibly imagine going back to the hellhole.

One moment he was crying his heart out and was coaxed like a baby by his fiance. And, the other moment, he was wanted to cry much harder over his pending University works.

The afformentioned snags came to a stop when they realised how their friend had a lot of things going inside his mind. Though they hadn't hung out like they used to, in weeks. Nie huaisang knew that things were eventually going to come around. So, being a good friend he had decided to leave the couple alone and move on to flirt with his boyfriend.

Wei Ying's silvery orbs kept moved along with his friends strides towards the exit and sighed. He was still holding onto Lan Zhan like his life depended upon it and nuzzled his head onto his neck like a cosy bunny trying to warm itself up.

Lan Zhan suddenly imagined his future husband with a pair of fuzzy rabbit ears and a cotton tail. His fiance did resemble the said, rabbit two they owned. (He reminded himself once again to give his rabbits an actual name, and not just numbers and Colors to identify which was which.)

"Lan Zhan....do you love me?", Now that was an outrageous question to ask. Of all the people in this planet, Lan wangji had only ever set his eyes upon the boy who he was going to marry.

"Is that a question?", Lan Zhan asked drawing circles on wei ying's back. He heard a small giggle coming from him in return.

"Even if I lose all my hair and teeth one day?", Lan wangji had assumed that his soulmate was continuing his outrageous question once again.

"I don't love you for your looks. I love you for this.", Lan Zhan touched wei ying's chest and tapped on it for him to understand that he loved him for how pure his heart was.

"Well, Lan Zhan should know that too.", Wei Ying whispered pressing a chaste kiss on his clothed chest.

"You must think that it must be the drugs talking. But, I really like you....I mean I really love you. That day when I turned four, I knew that I was going to spend the rest of my life with you."

Lan Zhan smiled softly at the drowsy confession his soulmate had given him. It made his heart flutter like the first time.

"I Love you too.", Lan Zhan confessed saving more lines for the wedding vows.

"When I get better. I will surprise you with the greatest moments of your life. That includes everyday means everyday.", Wei Ying night have been feeling lightheaded. But, that sure as hell wasn't going to stop him from teasing his soulmate as much as he wanted to.

"Mn.", Lan Zhan hummed letting wei ying plan anything he wanted. In ghe lieu all these things, Lan Zhan felt happy over the fact that the stalker was going to be gotten rid of, in no time. Now that the cops were involved, he knew that the stalker was going to be found and arrested in no time.

After no time after this whole fiasco. He planned to get married with wei ying, just like he had planned. Somewhere far by the country side or near the ocean, with just their families. Lan wangji had it all planned out and had already started with small preparations. Along with getting accustomed to the eccentric dance wei ying had wanted to try out, if his cancer was treated by the time.

"Good.", Wei Ying ruffled his partner's well combed hair and allowed himself to sink back into his chair to get some shut-eye.

"He may leave----nevermind I assume that you will just carry him back. Just be vary of the paparazzi, they found out about the hospital", Wen Qing murmured going back. She stepped out of the room and reminded herself to call her wife and tell her how much she missed her.

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