chapter 49

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING please know you're not alone in this we always have our comments and messages open so do not hesitate to just rant and please contact support lines. the world can't afford to lose you!⚠️

!we are not trying to romanticise any of the dark topics in this chapter or the book as a whole!



i was walking to the corner shop to get myself some food, i was getting a bit better at coping and bringing myself to terms with addy breaking up with me.

most of the time i can't help but wonder if she feels as broken as i do, but surely she doesn't; she's the one who broke up with me.

as i got there i made sure my hood was still pulled right over my head and slightly covering my face. i walked inside to see a new girl working at the register.

she had fake, bleach-blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles covering her face. she smiled at me when i walked in and gave an awkward smile back.

once i had gotten everything i wanted, i went to pay. the girl kept weirdly smirking at me. the silence was so loud.

"so uh, could i get your snap?" she asked shyly whilst scanning my things.
"sorry i'm not really looking for anything right now" i replied.
"oh- well this is awkward" she laughed slightly.
"yeh" i nodded.

"could you pass a pack of cigs please" i questioned, as they were behind her at the counter. without saying a word she passed a pack of 40 to me.

"your total will be £20.65, would you like a bag?" she said. i shook my head no and payed for my stuff.
"have a nice one then" she rolled her eyes as i walked off.

as i started to make my way home i couldn't help but notice feeling weird about something, uneasy almost. i couldn't figure out what about though, so i kept going until i reached my house.

the door opened before i could do it myself, my dad was stood with his car keys ready to go somewhere. "alright?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me in concern.
"yeah" i mumbled back.
"well obviously not, i've got to get to work but we can talk when i'm back if you want?" he suggested.
"sure thing, thanks dad"
"no worries" he patted me on the shoulder before getting in his car.

i figured i needed time for me so as soon as i got in the house i kicked my shoes off quickly and ran upstairs to my bedroom.

i sat on my bed and turned the tv on to netflix, i scrolled and scrolled trying to find something i haven't watched before but there was no luck.

i opened a pack of crisps that i bought just now and started munching on them, this feeling i had when walking home had gotten worse and i felt an odd tingling in my brain as if it was trying to tell me something. i quickly started to become more and more uneasy.

i tried to ignore the feeling. i couldn't.

it's been a week since i saw addy and i can't help but think it's to do with her.

i know i sound like i'm obsessed but seriously i know when something isn't quite right.

after a few minutes of debating with myself whether to check on her or not, i decided to go back downstairs to where i kicked my shoes off and put them back on and grab a coat as it was now raining outside.

at this point, i didn't care who saw me i just knew i had to get there. as i rummaged the place where i normally put my keys, they weren't there so i'd have to walk.

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