chapter 25

867 16 15

A/N : ermmmm tea...

⚠️TW all the usuals babes⚠️~M



i was panicked, scared, angry and every bad emotion under the sun. she was bleeding and i couldn't do anything about it. i didn't have my phone but i didn't want to leave her.

'charlottes room is close by, i can make it there' i thought to myself. so i set addy down gently, hoping that jack didn't come around whilst i was gone.

i ran as fast as i possibly could to sam and charlotte, he hated me right now but i don't care. his sister, the girl i love, was in grave danger and going to him was the only choice i felt like i had.


...she's pregnant. great. i don't know what to say, or do, or... how do i handle this. we were both in each other's arms. crying.

i looked up at her and smiled lightly, i feel bad for reacting how i did, it was just pure shock. i held her cheek in my hand and stroked it with my thumb. "it's gonna be alright char, you're gonna be alright" i told her, she would be alright, right?

she nodded, still crying. "i love you, you're amazing and you're strong, and you've got this. i want you to know i will support you no matter what you decide to do" her tears sort of turned to happy tears.

"i will try my absolute hardest to be the best boyfriend and dad because i can't let you down. i will be there with you every step of the way, and i can promise that"

"i love you too and i appreciate you so much, but my parents. how are they going to react? i'm scared sam.. i'm really, really scared" she sobbed again, i felt awful. this is my fault.

"we can figure that out when we get back home alright? for now we just need to focus on you" i suggested. at that she buried her head into my chest and we stayed there in peaceful silence.

that was until louis came bursting in.
"i-i it's a-addy" he panted.
"what do you mean?" i ask with attitude, i was still pissed at him beyond words.

"jack, he's back" no no no, this can't be happening.
"why the fuck aren't you with her, you love her don't you?!" i shouted at him, i didn't feel bad.
my anger had overtaken me like it has done before but this time it was uncontrollable.

"i knocked jack out but sam she's not breathing for shits sake" louis explained. i pushed him out the way and ran to addy's hotel room. first charlotte being pregnant now my 16 year old sister cold, bloody, and almost lifeless laying on the floor.

"cmon addy, wake up" i cried shaking her shoulders. "addy please" loud sobs escaped my mouth whilst tears ran from my eyes. i looked around not knowing what to do, i saw louis pacing around, visibly stressed and also crying.

"louis call a fucking ambulance!" i shouted at him, and with that i threw him my phone. he dialled the emergency number and i kind of just blocked out what he said.

first charlotte finding out she's pregnant, now addy is barely alive, i don't even know if she is alive for christ's sake.

i just feel like everything is going in circles, i feel sick, my vision is blurry, my heart and head are pounding at a synchronised pace.

"ambulance and police are on their way" i heard louis shaky voice call from behind me. i just nodded as i held addy in my arms. i can't help but think of the worst possible outcome...


'what's happened to addy?' i thought to myself. i was worried. jack...

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