chapter 37

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A/N : bitches couldn't even last a day apart lol i hate love

⚠️TW babies again, cursing, alcohol, smoking, addiction, mention of abuse⚠️



as her head rested on my shoulder i didn't know what to say, we aren't even meant to be seeing each other for a month and we've gone a day.

"uh addy, i'll take that" i said as i took the bottle of tequila from her and the cigarette from her mouth. "nooooo louis give it back" she slurred, she was still crying at this point but i'm pretty sure she didn't know what was happening.

"not until you tell me what's happened" i threatened (a/n : is that the right word idk paha)

"uhhhh fine, so flora came round and she was being a right bitch from the moment she walked in. then we made a tiktok and she posted it which was silly because i would have got lots and lots of hate which i did. anyways she then liked all the hate comments so i confronted her and she told me that i think everything revolves around me, basically told me that i was using you, and then she even said 'my ex-boyfriend used to hit me' like mimicking me or whatever then i smacked her and she left." woah that was a long explanation but i understood.

"then what happened?" i asked, just incase there was missing parts.
"i went to the garden for a smoke then i got drunk because why not"

"you can't just drink and smoke away your problems, i know it's easier said than done but..." i started but she cut me off.
"seriously do you ever want to shut up, your the one who got high on coke because of a minor inconvenience" she has a point actually.

i sat there not saying anything, "i've left louis partridge speechless everyone" she shouted, at this point i felt as if i was about to cry along with her. "cmon let's get you to bed" i said standing up and holding my hand out for her to stand up easier.

"ughhhh but it's too early babe" oh god, why just why 'babe'. "it's just a nap alright? then you can enjoy the rest of your nigh somewhat sober" i told her, she walked over to her bed a flopped onto it.

i decided i would get her under the covers so she wasn't cold, and threw her a blanket.
"can you nap with me handsome boy" she groaned, i tried so hard to resist holding her in my arms because i know we aren't meant to be together right now.

"i can't i'm sorry" i pushed a fake smile, "just try and sleep"
luckily she obeyed and shut her eyes. i turned off the lights and shut the door.

i went and knocked quietly on sam's bedroom door incase effy was asleep, luckily she wasn't but i needed to talk to him. "can we talk?" i asked him nervously.
"yeah 'course wait come to the spare room with me" he added.
we went and sat on the bed in the spare room and i had to get it off my chest, "it's gonna sound so fucking ridiculous sam so don't take the piss" i made sure he wouldn't even though he still might.

"i won't take the piss just tell me"
i took a deep breath, "i know i sound stupid right now but i don't know how i'm going to do a whole month without addy, it's literally been a day since we agreed to have a break and i feel like i need to be there for her. sorry your her brother probably not the best person to talk to about that"

"no i'm probably the best person to talk to because don't forget i'm your best mate too and i know my sister and how she is, how she goes about her day, how she copes with different things in slightly different ways and her way of coping with you was to cut you off. she's only doing that to make you realise you don't need each other which i think is bloody stupid of her. addy doesn't want to hurt you louis that's why she's done it sooner rather than later" he explained. what he said made sense though i can see why she tried to break it off.

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