chapter 23

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A/N : welp this is gonna be one hell of a journey the next few chapters so buckle your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff ~ M

⚠️TW all the usuals⚠️



i was led in louis' bed and he had fallen asleep, i checked my phone to see it was about 12am. this was my perfect opportunity for a smoke, if i could get to his balcony without waking him up.

i slowly moved his arms from around me to around a pillow instead. i reached for the cigarettes i had brought with me and quietly made my way to the balcony.

i lit one and stared aimlessly into the distance where buildings were lit up and street lights were amidst. when i woke up this morning i thought there was a positive new start lingering in the air but that feeling had dropped. i don't know what happened i just all of a sudden felt so negative again.

as i inhaled deeply, i could feel random tears forming in my tired eyes. i tried my best to fight them but as i blew the smoke from my mouth a loud sob balled out along side it.

just moments later i felt arms around my waist making my jump out of my skin and almost dropping my cigarette. "oh god sorry" it was louis. "it's fine you didn't mean to scare the shit out of me" i said sarcastically.

"i haven't seen you smoke in ages i thought you stopped" he frowned.
"well you thought wrong" why was i in such a mood, i was being a complete and utter bitch to him for crying out loud.
"sorry i'm just not feeling quite right" i told him, i felt as i could be open with him.
"pass me a ciggy and you can tell me what's on your mind" he demanded, so i did that.

"there's not a lot on my mind that i can actually think to put into words, i had this really positive feeling as if there was a new, happy beginning and then all of a sudden it dropped" i explained.

"well it sounds to me as if you're overthinking everything again, i don't blame you for doing that, you have the right and i understand why. look at me" he said lifting up my chin, "i really like you addy and honestly i feel like us is a happy new beginning. it sounds cringe i know but it's true. i was um i-" he stuttered towards the end, oh god i felt as if i knew what was coming. i stroked his cheek as a symbol to calm and take a breath.

"i would ask you to be my girlfriend again but uh- well i think about what happened last time and i think we both need a bit more time, it's up to you really. only a suggestion" he said nervous making me chuckle slightly.

"maybe a bit longer, third times a charm right?" i asked knowing that soon enough i'll be ready to say yes.

"wanna go back to bed?" louis asked, putting out his cigarette on the ash tray. i nodded and smiled and we walked through the sliding door, locking it behind us.

not another word was said until we were both comfortable in each others grasp, "goodnight beautiful" louis said in a raspy, sleepy voice, i'm glad it was dark because i could just tell i was blushing like mad. "goodnight"

*time skip*

we woke up and the day was pretty normal, nothing too exciting. charlotte was still ill and sam made sure to stay with her most of the day even though she insisted he go and have fun and i made up with flora and the twins.


i finally convinced sam to leave, i had my suspicions that ya know... i could be pregnant. it was only one time though and i was sure, no i'll stop there. amy had spoken about playing pregnancy test roulette before we came as she saw it on tiktok and thought it would be fun. she must have some tests in her bag, she was really up for playing it.

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