Ivar touched his face. He then raised his hands to look at them. He let out a loud gasp.


He was drowning in the biggest shock in his life ever!

Meanwhile on the other side the Goblin family was welling up with tears in their eyes. They stared at their lovely child, their son who was speaking to them the very first thing after being born. Moreover, the adorable expression on his cute, chubby face was so lovely. His eyes were like marble gems, red and shiny. Every expression his cute face made was enough to make them melt like butter.

"NULIS!" Ivar screamed at the system.

"Yes partner. Congrats. You have become a child now." The system chuckled, staring at his host's child form. Although Ivar's skin was green like the Goblin family, the colour was a bit pale. Not to mention his eyes were red and...he was really chubby. So cute!

Ivar was startled when he felt a pair of hands pick him up. He glared at the mother who had taken him in his arms. Moreover she was treating him like a child, caressing his back, nuzzling his hair, trying to put him to sleep.
Ivar pouted at the treatment he was being given right now.

"Uwa....so cute!" The three younger kids exclaimed, ogling at their cute baby brother.
The eldest boy looked about about fifteen while the twin brothers looked about eleven. One of them even poked the cubby cheeks of their adorable baby.

"Uwmah!" Scram! Ivar felt humiliated by their treatment. He wanted to yell at them but....his speech only made him realise more that he had indeed become a baby.
Featherlike strokes kept falling on his head. It was annoying but he was begining to fall under its spell. And he couldn't prevent himself from falling asleep.

Peter stared at his son's sleeping face. His child had such long thick lashes. His cheeks were tinted with baby blush, and his mouth was drooling a bit. His calm sleeping face looked like that of an angel.
"Maria!" He whispered. "He is so cute!"

"Right. I have never seen someone so cute like my baby brother." The older brother added.

The two twins shook their heads aggressively agreeing to Brother Harry's statement.

"Lets put him to his cradle. He needs plentiful of rest right now. And when he wakes up we will have to feed him as well. He will be very hungry then." Maria smiled nuzzling his son with his fingers.  
The group of family walked away, their foot steps as light as a sneaking cat.

"Ivar. Wake up."

"Wake up partner."

Nulis called out for him but the sleeping baby was still deep asleep, showing no signs of waking up.
Sigh! Now all he could do was wait for him to wake up.

Fortunately Ivar woke up the next day. As soon as he opened his eyes he was met with children toys hung above him. He got goosebumps all over his body. Not only that. There was a round teddy bear toy lying  beside him.
He spoke to the system in his mind.

"You have been sleeping for a week already. Ivar, you became a rather cute baby...Pffttt..." Nulis burst into a laughter. He couldn't contain his laugh anymore. Specially after witnessing those three kids checking up on Ivar all this time, treating his dangerous host like some defenseless sleeping child.

"..." Ivar wanted to retort but...he was indeed a baby right now. He frowned his brows. Well...what could he do now? He couldn't even stand on his two feet so for now he had no choice but to...

He sucked onto the strange food being served to him. While doing so Maria was holding him in her lap, feeding him spoon after spoon.
Ivar sighed. He couldn't even feel his teeth. Good thing the food was wet.