Chapter Thirty-Nine: Supergirl

Start from the beginning

"I can fly a couple of us up at a time," I said.

Kate and Jessica looked over at me, then back at each other, as though they were considering it. 

After a moment, Jessica shook her head slightly. "I got this."  She rounded up Nia and Kate into a green bubble-like construct from her ring and flew them up.

Before I could reach Mari, she had already taken the form of a bald eagle, and had taken Zatanna in her grasp as they flew up.  Suddenly, I felt a hand hold mine.  I looked over to see Mon-El.

"I'll fly with you."

I smiled lightly at him before holding his hand tighter.  It would only be a moment before I would shoot him and I into the sky.

By the time we landed, Jessica was already halfway through drilling an entrance into the ship.  I stepped beside her.  "I got this."  I moved in front of her and pried the opening, making it easier for us to enter.  A blue light emitted from inside.  Bottles lined the walls up and down.  My eyes widened at this.  "Whoa..."  I walked in.  On a closer look, I could make out what seemed to be the outline of a city within each individual bottle.


My eyes widened at the sound.  I snapped my head to the side.  A glimmer of light flashed across Barbara's eyes through her mask.  She ran over and threw her arms around me.

I couldn't help but hug her back.  "Rao, I was so worried about you, Babs."

"I was worried about you, too."

We let go of the hug.  I looked past her to see Cisco, Harley, and Mary behind her.  "Where are the others?" I asked.

"They're holding off Brain Guy," Harley said, "and Wondy said that we gotta find a cure, er...something.  We gotta buttload o' cities, though."

My eyes widened at Harley's statement.  It's been years, but Brainiac most definitely has Kryptonian cities somewhere in this room.  Not even thinking, I raced over to the walls, scanning every label above each bottle.  Gateway City, Star City, Blüdhaven, Coast City, Shanghai, Athens, Cairo, even Vancouver.  My heart sank as a pit formed in my stomach yet again.  Not a single Kryptonian city.  No Argo City, no Kandor, not even Kryptonopolis.  I shook my head.  No, this isn't the time to think about Krypton.  I looked back at the others.  "It's time."  With that, we left the collection room.

I could feel my blood go cold at the sight.  Wonder Woman was at the feet of a robotic creature with magenta plugs coming out of its head: Brainiac.  My eyes darted around the area.  In the corner, I could see what looked to be Huntress slumped over, with life drained out of her.  The realization fell over me: Brainiac killed her.  I looked past her to see Stargirl's body on its side, with a gaping hole through her stomach.  On a closer look, Stargirl's lifeless eyes were still open.  A shaky breath escaped me.  My arms and legs trembled at the sight of it all.

I glanced back at the others.  The others seemed to be frozen, except for Mary.  Her hands balled into fists.  It looked as though a vein in her forehead was about to burst.  After a short moment of her trying to hold back, she ran at him.

"Mary!" I shouted.

"SHA--"  One of Brainiac's tendrils wrapped around her throat and hoisted her into the air.  She started to gag.

"NO!"  I flew up at the tendril, but was strongly swatted away by one of his other tendrils, sending me crashing into the farther side of the cortex.  The back of my head slammed into the wall.  My head throbbed.  I looked up as I tried to recover from the blow.

"The arcane forces you and the Marvels possess," Brainiac said, "do nothing to me, foolish child.  Suddenly, the sound of a snap echoed throughout the cortex.  He dropped Mary's limp body to the ground.

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