"But I want to play with them." 


"Yeah...you know, tag, hide and seek. I never get to play with anyone new….I think it would be fun." 

"Play with someone new? But you have me, you've always had me. Am I not good enough for you Fritzchen?" Lodewijk asked. Fritz could sense the subtle panic in his voice. 

"N-no, you are, Lowie," He said, taking Lodewijk's hands in his own. He could feel his body subtly shaking. "It's just...don't you ever want a change of pace every once in a while? Something new for once?" 

"No. I like the way things are now. I happen to like the way things have been in the inner world, just you and me in our own little paradise. You cannot even speak the language of this country! How will you organize a game of tag with them? And what if they make fun of you for your hearing aids? What if they try and yank them out of your ears in some sort of sick, barbaric game?" 

"Lowie, I don't think that'll happen. They actually seem kinda nice...sometimes a shared language isn't necessary to enjoy a fun game! I'd find a way! It would be fun, you could even play with us!" 

Fritz could sense his headmate's subtle shutter at the mention of playing with strangers. "No!" Lodewijk exclaimed firmly, "We are going now! I can't protect you if you're out running who knows where doing who knows what!" 

"I don't need protection right now!" 

"You know, I would've loved to have someone looking out for me when I was your age." 

Fritz sighed quietly. There was virtually no use arguing with Lodewijk when he was like this. He was in his "triggered" state of mind, as if things were how they were when he was younger, and that they would never change; He was stuck. He could tell that Lodewijk was only saying this because he really did want to protect him. Kooky often used similar tactics, though Fritz could tell he was only trying to manipulate him. But he could tell that Lowie was actually afraid. 

Fritz glanced back at the priestesses down there, giggling and having fun. Reluctantly, he let Lodewijk lead him away from there. 

The two alters wandered down the darkened halls of the palace. However, because of their superior night vision provided by their tapeta lucida, this wasn't an issue. Lodewijk kept his eyes and nose open, searching for a safe, empty room. He stopped at an inconspicuous door. He sniffed at the crack in the door, making sure it was unoccupied. After making sure that it was, he and Fritz entered the room. It looked as if it was some sort of bedroom, with a window, a desk, a dresser, and a bed. 

"How are we supposed to keep an eye on the priestesses in here?" Fritz asked. 

"They'll be fine. There are guards to keep an eye on them. Besides, I really doubt Kooky will even notice if one or two of them disappeared. I don't even think it would matter." 

"But Kooky said--" 

"Get in the bed and go to sleep." Lodewijk commanded as he closed the heavy door behind him. 

"But I'm not tired..." Fritz whined. 

"Sleep will come if you invite it. You have to lie down, so it'll know you're ready." 

"I…don't think that's how it works." 

"Just get in the bed and lie down!" Lodewijk hissed. 

"Fine, fine." Fritz replied, jumping on the bed. The bed was nice and cold and soft, Fritz wondered if there was some of that clotton stuff in the mattress and pillow as well. 

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