Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 36✈︎

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The announcer brings your mother to the stage and exits shortly after. Your mother begins to speak in her elegant tone.

"My daughter, my only family, my heart and soul today is your crowning. To say I'm proud and happy wouldn't be enough. You'll make a great goddess and it is because of that, that I am grateful you've chosen to follow in my footsteps."

You mentally roll your eyes.

"Thank you everyone for joining us—"
Your mother gently lifts the crown into the air from the altar. She smiles as a small tear falls from her eye.

You eye her before you kneel.

She slowly lowers the crown to your head,

"With this crown, I give you the power to be strong, to lead with your mind, to always make the right decision and to always put others before yourself."

As she places the crown onto your head, the crowd claps and you smile to yourself. This felt good, strangely enough this felt really, really good.

You slowly stand from your kneeled position before she takes her hand and grabs your upper forearm. You do the same to her.

"Before I transfer my essence, what is your wish, Goddess?" Your mom says with a wink

You stay silent for a moment, thinking carefully of what you want. Not wanting to say it out-loud, you use your mind-link.

"I want~"

Lucifer comes to the stage, not this timelines Lucifer but their Lucifer. A malicious grin on his face.

"I will start by saying I'd rather my daughter be present but I guess this is the next best thing."

The crowd whispers at his strange words.

"So, kneel." He says plainly

The seven men hesitate for a moment before they comply.

Seven servants come onto the stage and stand in front of each sin. In their hands they hold crowns with beautiful jewels that corresponds with their sins.

"With these crowns, I trust you to always rule strong, never be tied to emotions, rule as one, rule together and always rule with your mind. Be the men I have seen prosper all these years. You are not the sins, the sins are you." He finishes before he motions for them to be crowned.

Namjoon feels the crown be placed and stands, following down the line the rest all stand.

Lucifer unnoticeably switches positions with his younger self. His younger self slits his palm and motions for the now standing seven men to do that same.

A servant motions for him to squeeze his blood into the challis before the servant moves and does the same for the guys.

Once their blood is collectively gathered in the challis, Namjoon drinks first, a disgusted frown forms onto his face. He doesn't even try to hide it.

Next Yoongi takes a sip, seemingly not bothering him, then Jungkook who frowns as well, then Jin.

Once they've drunk their share, their eyes glow their bright gold, red, green, and orange colors.

But it's a stronger glow than before, their auras become darker as well.

Soon the servant goes to the other half and does the same.

Jimin's pink eyes shine brightly and he looks at his hands before squeezing them into a fist.

He feels powerful.

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