Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26✈︎

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Your father appears behind his desk, his younger self still not making himself present. A sudden thud is heard behind him. He quickly spins around to inspect it.

His eyes grow wide as he notices the long white gown.

"AURORA?!" he shouts as he helps her to lean on him

"Luc--Lucifer." she says breathily

"What happened?" he askes worriedly

"I'm not sure. She's become so strong."

He then notices the bruises placed upon the woman's face.

"She has chosen?" his eyes widened in happiness

She slowly shakes her head, "Not yet. Her aura still has goodness surrounding her but the darkness is strong."

"Good! I'm winning!" he says 

Aurora stands on her own, "Do you see me? Do you see that she has hurt me? Her own mother, Lucifer! Something is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong!" he snaps as he looks down upon your mother, "She's chosen and you've lost--"

"No one's won yet, daddio." 

You smirk as he notices your presence behind your mother.

"Baby girl, now we can rule together, yes?" he says as he pushes your mother to the side and attempts to walk towards you

You hold up your hand and smirk as he comes to an immediate stop. You chuckle at his confused look.

"Mmm, seems Jin's power of gravity is pretty useful." you then throw him into a wall

Your mother throws a ball of light at you, you catch it and throw it at your father.

"Sneaky! Not only do you work together, but you also fight together as well? Tsk tsk, mom."

You stare into your mother's eyes as her pupils dilate. She beings to stare blankly while your father groans in a corner from the pain.

"Bark." you state

She then unconsciously begins to bark.  You laugh uncontrollably. 

"Waah. Thank you Jungkook. Mind control is amusing--"


You spin around to see whose interrupted your enjoyment. You then smile once their face comes into view.

She glances around and sees the torment you've created between your parents. Unbothered she continues to storm towards you. 

"Just the person I've wanted to see!"

"What? Do you think you're all big and bad? You may scare everyone else but not me!" she says as she stops a few feet in front of you

You smile widely, "That's fine, Lisa. You don't need to be scared to be used as bait.."

"Wait what--"

You lift your hand and slowly turn it into a fist as you're causing the gravity around Lisa's throat to become heavy. She begins to grasp for air.

In the corner of your eye, you see your father attempting to stand while your mother continues to bark.

"Now Kata, you stop this." he says breathlessly

"Hmm... There you go again, not giving me a choice."

"I won't give you a chance to hit me again, child." he warns

You smile as you focus back on Lisa whose eyes are turning bloodshot red from lack of air. You release your hold on her throat and instead lift her into the air before throwing her quite hard against the floor.

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