Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10✈︎

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This date was anything but boring. Mingi and Jay B started with breakfast but you've been out all day.

They've taken you to the shores, the mall, paid for lunch and then you all stoped at a small park and sat in the grass.

Currently you laid beside Mingi on your bed as Jay B and Winter left out to go do other things.

"So, Ms. Kata, what's your story?" He chuckled still staring at your ceiling and you followed

"Hmm.. my story? I'm freshly 18, I've got a control freak mother and a psycho dad. Somehow at some point they found out they were soulmates and kinda loved each other. And now I'm the abomination that came from it."

You expected Mingi to laugh but he stayed silent, you quickly panicked inwardly

"I—Maybe that was too much—"

"My mom fell in love with a Demon. He was her soulmate. My father is incapable of love which is why the soulmate thing never made sense to me. Demons don't feel. Lucifer can because he's a fallen Angel but Demons can't. Right after she gave birth to me he sliced her throat and took me with him."

You didn't speak... You both had only met last night, why were you sharing your life stories?

"That's my story. I know you didn't ask but I guess we're both abominations."

You laughed at his choice of wording and he laughed with you. You were both enjoying the conversation

"So you're half human/half demon?"

"Yep. One of the few."

"So what are your weaknesses?"

"Well, I don't heal as quickly and I'm supposed to cower to full demons. Even if they're lower leveled oh and of course my emotions."

You only nod, signifying that you're listening.

"I like you Mingi. Let's become friends."
You say not looking at him

He smiles more so to himself, "Let's."


"Who is that?" Asked Jimin who was peering into the glass ball on their table as he watched you lay on your bed

"Mingi." Seethed Jungkook

"He hasn't been around lately. I wonder if it's because of our next assignment." Says Taehyung

"If he falls for her then he'll get in our way—"

"Or will he?" Asked Yoongi who cut Taehyung off

"What do you mean Yoongi?" Asked Jimin

"Mingi may be half human but he's still a demon. He could still help bring her to the dark side. I want you guys to go get him. Talk to him a little."

"What will Namjoon say?" Asked Jungkook

"I'll handle him. Go." At that Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin leave almost in a blink of an eye

Yoongi smiles maniacally and stands over the glass ball.

"Who are you Kata and why are you so important?"


Lucifer glares towards his bed as he paces back and forth.

"How could I mess up? I am king of hell, I don't need help!"

"Oh but surely you do." Out from the darkness of his bed, an older, more matured version of himself walks over,

"Just continue to listen to me. Our daughter can't refuse those boys, especially since they'll have her before she turns into the rock hard, bad attitude having, wench that she is now."

"Why don't my boys know about this?" The younger Lucifer asks

"Because, I put into the spell that nor them or our child remember. If they remember then this all falls to shit."

"Does it?" Asked the seer as she appears behind them

"Seer? Why are you here?" Asked the older

"You've mis-planned Lucifer. I forsaw only a bad ending." She says slowly

"Your visions aren't always accurate, Seer" said the younger

"But they for the most part are. Kata will not remember but the boys have a love—a bond so strong that their souls are already starting to familiarize with her." She smiled brightly

"What do we do?" They asked

"Instead of sending them all, send them one by one. Most of the moments they remember are of them all together. Separate it and then end it all by taking them away from her once she's secured a bond. She'll want to protect them.. then and only then will you succeed in bringing her down."

"You're one evil bitch, but I like it." Said the older

"I'm nor evil, nor good. I'm only a Seer." She smiled and disappears leaving a glare that lasted only a few seconds.

"I'm lost." Said the younger

"In layman's terms, we'll make her fall for them hard and then rip them away. Because of her love she'll do anything to protect them—"

"—Then we'll have our princess. Genius. I can't wait to piss her mother off."

"Neither can I." Said the older before they chuckled to each other.

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