Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 30✈︎

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Jin was taking down his brothers. He knew he wasn't going to win but he was still fighting.

"Seokjin! Stop!" Announced Namjoon as he used his animal imitation power and gained the strength of an elephant and speed of a cheetah.

Distracted by keeping his hold on Jungkook and Jimin he didn't realize Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung charging from the back.

"Get! This! Off! Of! Me!" Says Jungkook sternly

"Jin, we are family!" Yells Taehyung as he tries to weaken Jin with energy balls

"No! You all killed her! I don't want to be family with anyone who—"

Before he could finish, he was tackled to the ground by Namjoon.

Jungkook who began pounding his fist into Seokjin's face.

"Joon enough!" Yells Yoongi who was finally raising up from the ground

"He's our brother Namjoon stop!"

"UGH!" Namjoon yelped

Suddenly as they all stood around, a fist appears through the front of Namjoon's chest.

His body tensed. And Jin's hand was wrapped around his heart.

Jin tossed his body to the side and slowly stood.

Breathing heavily, bruises forming quickly upon his face as he raises his eyes to meet his brothers.

He spits blood onto the ground.

"Who's next?"


Namjoon holds your dead corpse. His breath become shallow as his tears continuously fall.

"Joon." Says a deep voiced man

"Leave me." Namjoon blubbers out with a sniffle

"This isn't real Namjoon. Wake up." Another says

"I—I told her to stop." He whines, "I told her. Why wouldn't she just listen? Why?" He cries


"She's always tested my patience. And I never lost control. But—but she wouldn't stop." He sniffles once more as he runs your head, playing in your blood-riddled hair.

"Namjoon look at us, please."

Namjoon finally raises his eyes to find Jungkook and Jimin.

"Why didn't you stop me? Where were you all?!" He yells

Jimin and Jungkook glance at each other. Neither of them used to seeing Namjoon so weak and vulnerable. Jungkook places a hand on his right shoulder and Jimin on his left.

"Joon, this isn't real. Just calm down and think of this scenario." Says Jungkook calmly

"What happened that caused Korea to look like this?" Asks Jimin

"What happened before you began fighting her?" Asks Jungkook

"Why are you fighting her?" Asks Jimin

Namjoon's tears slowed. His mind opened.

'Why are we fighting? What is wrong with Korea?'

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