New Moon

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This is a story about a very special girl.

Her name brings comfort to all that hear it.

She adopts both humans and demons alike to her family.

And she even has tamed the most fearsome demon of them all.

Now, sit down and relax as we spin you the tale of...

The Queen of the Night.

"Who are you at my window?"

"I'm a forest fairy that guards the village! Never seen you before."

Long ago, in a distant village, there was a sickly boy. They told him he would die before hitting the age of twenty. This disheartened the young boy as he tried to find a way to extend his life and make sure he would live forever.

His parents treated him like a delicate flower and locked him away in his room. He was trapped in his bed for hours at end. The daylight shone on his face and the moonlight blinded him at night. How he longed to be outside and play with the other children. All he had were his books and even those were starting to get dull.

Then one day, just as he was about to go mad from the blinding sun, a figure blocked it as she sat on the branch of a tree that grew outside the window. Who he saw made him curious and as he rose up from his bed, was met with the sunniest face he had ever seen.

Her skin was kissed by the sun itself, dark as the wood from the branch she sat upon. Her hair was light green, a single green leaf in her short cut hair. Her eyes were chestnut brown, glinting with kindness. Her pink lips curling into a smile at the boy her age. Her kimono was slightly torn from climbing up the tree, dirtied and quite ripped. Smiling down at him, she took a leap and sat at his windowsil.

"I've never heard of a forest fairy, not do I believe that you are one of them." The pale face boy said, glaring at her. "Now who are you?"

"You got me! I'm a regular fairy with the power of the stars!" She made a soft smile at him. "My name is Amatani Sorashi, but you can call me Hoshihime!"

He turned away, not wanting to hear anymore of her nonsense. "Leave me alone, I don't need some princess coming in my room."

Sorashi giggled, looking around his room. "Why is your room so sad? Are you okay?"

The young boy buried himself under his blanket. "Why does it matter? I'm sick, I'm going to die one day, and nobody is going to care. I just wish that I could live a little longer or forever."

The girl saw this and was quite sadden by how he was acting. Wanting to make him feel better, she grabbed his hands and placed them in her own. The boy gasped, noticing her kissing his hands.

"Since I am the fairy of the stars, I can make any wish come true. If your wish is to live forever, then I will grant that wish!" Her eyes sparkled as if showcasing some sort of power. "May you live and prosper!"

It was at that moment that the young boy starting to believe that love at first sight wasn't ridiculous at all. The girl let go of his hands and went back to the window.

Queen of the NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin