Saturn & Titan

418 19 8

I believe in getting even
That's what I believe
And I just don't forgive and forget

I don't turn the other cheek
For some pathetic freak
Mother's got a lot to regret


There's just something about getting revenge that made Hotaru so excited.

At first, she kept silent, observing her mother and the interactions she had with her other siblings. She tried to be the perfect heir to her father and followed every order that was given to her. In the eyes of the other demons, all she appeared to be was the silent prodigy. If one took one look into her eyes, however, they would see something stirring inside of her.

A force of rage that bubbled and festered for many years.

In her room at the Infinity Castle, Hotaru hummed to herself as she pricked her finger with a sharp needle. Blood started to drip from the wound, spilling into a bowl on her table. Inside said bowl was the murky essence of a particularly strong poison that she had been concocting for years. Even now, if a lesser demon were to walk into her room, they would instantly die from the fumes alone. This poison was brewed to infect the system of the person whom she held the most grudge towards.

Her mother...

Hotaru smiled as she uses a spoon to swirl her blood into the poison. The blood acted as a dilution agent to prevent anyone from noticing that they were injecting the source. stuff. Now, to be clear, she never wanted things like this to become between the two of them. Hotaru did love the person who gave birth to her and valued her mantra of a world for all humans and demons live together. It was just that she was bitter towards the fact that the attention she wanted, the attention that she rightfully deserved, was going toward two snot-nosed brats that were the result of a pseudo rape and incomplete blood. Plus with the discovery of her twin sister being alive and taking her only human friends, she was being pushed to the brink with all this calamity. At the source, Hotaru figured that blaming the one person responsible for all these misfortunes was easier than getting rid of her sister.

That would come with time.

"Oh okaa-san, I truly do love you. I'm happy to have been a part of your life before those other ones came along." She spoke to herself as she took what remained of the spoon out of the bowl. "It's just that you have outlived your usefulness and seem to never want to stop having children. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that, but I am the true child of this family and nobody is coming to replace me. I will comfort father when you pass on and make sure to take care of any other nuisances that want to get in my way. Just take solace that your legacy will live on forever."

Behind her chair, her shadow shifted slightly before the candles in the room snuffed out. From the shadows, a young demon boy her age appeared in a bowed position. He had long, wavy black hair, dark chocolate skin, and deep cuts and bruises on multiple parts of his body. Two horns poked out of his head. His hair was tied in a long ponytail and he wore a light purple robe. On his back was a curved sword.

"I am at your call, my lady." His voice was echoing, almost as if he were in a tunnel. "What are your orders?"

Hotaru smirked, pouring her poison into a small vial. "Excellent timing as usual Kyojin. I do hope you provided the optimal distraction for keeping the other demons occupied for a few."

He looked up, showing nothing but holes where his eyes used to be. "Yes, I have set the entirety of the queen's garden ablaze like you said. Not a single one of her creations was spared. If I missed any, then they were brought down by a simple swing of my sword. None will speak of what they saw today."

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