Big Sis, Big Problem

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I'm the villain in my own story,

I'm the witch in my own tale.

Though I insist I'm the protagonist,

It's clear that my soul is up for sale.

The dripping noise was deafening.

A quiet room in the Infinity Castle that was away from the others. The darkened room held no windows, no doors, and was impossible to gain entry without permission.

Within these hollowed walls held a young girl.

A young demon child to be exact.

Her eyes were blindfolded, unable to see what was coming or going.

The dripping noise got louder as liquid formed on the floor in front of her.

She sat in the singular chair, swinging her feet in the rhythm of the dripping. Humming was heard as well.

In the middle of the room were a pile of people stacked on top of each other. Red liquid fell from the pile, dripping onto the floor below.

The scent was intoxicating, but she had to keep her cool. After all, a blood rush would not do well for her at the moment.

Shifting noises were heard from the pile, a hand poking out from the bottom. Dragging themselves from underneath the bodies was a small boy. This boy was dressed in rags, bandages covering his arms and legs. Wild black hair was tied in a large tuft. A black scar went over his left eye.

So, a person did survive her "training".

Well...looks like she'll have to take a page from her father's book and turn him.

The young lad looked up to see a child his age looming over him with a drooling maw. His eyes shook in horror as one of the nails on her hand grew longer and darker.

"You would make a great servant. Now, you shall be reborn as my shadow. Serve me and my family well and you'll be handsomely rewarded."
Hotaru grumbled to herself as she mashed her medicinal herbs.

Tamayo stared at her as she did so. The worried demon woman could only silently observed her apprentice destroying the herbs for a tea she was making. It had been hours since she arrived and her anger was only getting stronger. The shadowy tendrils behind her were starting to rot the wall. Yushiro was even quiet for once, not wanting to be attacked by those tendrils.

"Is something troubling you, my dear?" Tamayo pondered, passing over some more herbs.

Hotaru took the herbs with gusto, some poison seeping out from her tendrils as she continued to mix some of the given herbs.

"My mother seems to treat my siblings like babies! I have that disgrace for a sister along with that beast of brother. My father has made me his heir apparent and I did everything in my power to keep my position."

Tamayo didn't say anything, but allowed her to continue.

"However, the mother I never knew comes back from her coma and dotes on them with much affection. She spends ample time with that rape baby and makes her feel so special. She's even patient with that beast child and constantly calms him down with her words. I can't believe she doesn't treat her real daughter with such loveliness or patience. Why can't I have that love and affection that she shows them? What makes them so special? This is just like when-!"

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