Mars in Retrograde

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I touch the fire and it freezes me
I look into it and its black
Why can't I feel
My skin should crack and peel
I want the fire back.


Mars is a planet of war and blood.

Not much is known about the red planet and some of the knowledge we have is basic. It's red, it's dusty, there's craters, and not much more to say. Oh, and there's also an icy, water part to it.

Akasei was the embodiment of anger and fiery energy. He burned those close to him, he fought back against his father, he treated Akaza with respect, and he loved being with his mother. Though he was young, he still relied on her loving guidance and steadfast love to get him through the day.

So, when he heard his oldest sister planning to kill her, it made him a bit frightened.

He overhead her master plan before burning the garden to the ground. She was planning to frame him for the event after all. What made him more worried was that she in turn was going to burn the last flower bud that contained their unborn final sibling. She was going to murder their sibling.

Even in his feral state of mind he knew that was going too far.

So, before she could burn it down, he ran down to the garden and plucked the last bud to save his baby sibling. He had to do this for the sake of their future. Something about him screamed to be protective. He raced down the hallways of the mansion, going to the one person who can help him.



The red haired demon child blinked when he saw his mentor nearly jumped out of his skin. Then again, he wasn't bothered much. Akasei would break into his room around nighttime, always snuggling next to him or kicking him awake. It was just how they communicated. Akaza respected strength, Akasei respected power. They were two peas in a pod.

"Kid, if this is another one of your late night challenges..." Akaza started to say before seeing the distress in the young demon's eyes. "What's wrong?"

Akasei did his best to explain how his sister was planning a coup d'état and wanted to kill their mother. Akaza's eyes widened when he saw the last flower bud in his hands and connected the dots to the burning of the garden earlier.

"So...Hotaru is really going to do this huh? After all her mother did to save her life and ours..." He punched the wall, gritting his teeth. "How could she, to her own mother even!"

Akasei growled, clutching his sibling close to his chest. She had even wanted to kill an unborn child! How can one be so cruel to want to do something like that? He didn't quite understand why, being a small child and all. He was still struggling with his basic studies and human communication. He grunted, tugging on Akaza's pants to signal that they should do something.

"Hmm...the best thing to do now is to relocate the flower bud and make sure Hotaru doesn't find out that we know her plans." Akaza bit his lip as he knew what he had to do. "As much as I would hate to admit it, we may need to ask help from him."

A confused grunt came out of the child's mouth as he cocked his head to the side. Who was this person that could make even his teacher flinch?
"Akasei-nii! Welcome! Welcome!"

A warm feeling enveloped him as his favorite sister brought him in for a hug. Oh how she made him feel so special with her hugs and planting kisses on his forehead. Fuyuka was always so tender and loving to him.

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