End of an Era

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Escalating feelings that far exceed common sense
A rose-coloured love that popped up like a sudden mutation
A love so pure you could call it violent


Gyutaro felt it, he felt it through the connection they shared.

Some of the demons were awaiting the bride and groom and the morning was slowly approaching. Luckily, Muzan had found a temple where the coverage was shady enough to prevent the sunlight coming inside. Daki had made him wear a suitable yukata as he stood in the section where Sorashi's other adopted children waited. Susamaru couldn't sit still, wrinkling her kimono as she fidgeted. Yahaba scolded her, fussing over how she was ruining her kimono. Rui was silent, but held a bouquet of white spider lilies in his arms. All of them were excited to have their mother finally be happily married. However, a few hours had passed and there was no sign of her.

Suddenly, he felt something break inside of himself. The others felt it too as Susamaru stopped moving, Yahaba paused in his words, and Rui dropped his flowers. Daki felt tears running down her face as she gripped his hands. They had all felt that connection slipping away from them. All of them stood up and ran out the room in pain. Did something happen to her? Why did they feel like she was dying?

"My, My, My, what do we have here? You must be her children."

Jingling noises filled the temple as a someone approached their group. Gyutaro stood in front of his pseudo siblings as a lady came to a stop in front of them. She felt like a demon, but her appearance was human. Her hair was black as midnight, pinned up by a piece of lavender. Her robes were decorated with purple and white colors, adorned with silver chains. Her skin, this was the weird part, was all white. Her lips were red with lipstick while her eyes were closed. Her nails ran over her kimono, tugging a piece to reveal a silver star mark on her shoulder.

"Hey lady, who are you? How do you know our okaa-san?" Daki spat, glaring at the mysterious woman.

The woman chuckled, her voice as light as a bell. "I am a close friend of your mother. One could say she is the reason that I am alive today."

"You must be a demon then." Rui pondered aloud, be wary. "How do we know that we can trust you?"

"Oh my, am I not that trustworthy? I thought for sure that the mark on my shoulder was proof enough. I guess Sorashi or Ginga never told you about me." Smiling, she stopped and bowed. "My name is Bashira, the right hand woman of Lady Sorashi and Lady Ginga."

"Huh? Whose Ginga? Is she also like you?" Susamaru asked her, bouncing her temari ball.

Bashira smirked, tapping her head. "You figure it out. She's closer than you think. I was told to come if anything happened to the both of them. There's a place where I am required to take you for your own protection."

"Geez what a pain..." He stood by Daki with an indifferent look on his face. "What are you yakking about? Is our okaa-san okay?"

Bashira turned around and made a few motions with her hands. A flurry of silver pieces encircled her body before creating a massive portal for them. Inside the portal was the entrance to the garden where Sorashi would stay. However, what caught their eye was a long figure reading underneath the tree where she would usually sit.

The figure was female with short, black hair, very pale skin, and red eyes that bore into your soul. She was young, looking around three human years. Her outfit was a white kimono that hid her arms, small sandal, and a flower crown resting in her hair. Her face showed no emotion, but as soon as she stared at Bashira, her face brightened up.

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