A Queen's Flashy Flair

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And now, I'm wide awake
A million years too late
I talk to you, imagining what you'd do
Remembering what we went through


"There goes the little terror himself, making a mess as usual."

The days were finally coming towards the springtime. Cherry blossoms filled the air along with the scent of freshly made grass. A warmer breeze entered the garden in the afternoon. The Whispers had returned from hibernation, gossiping among themselves about the newest additions to the family. Dahlia sat amongst her brethren, making a fuss about how she was close to one of them. However, once they all noticed a small child rampaging through the flowers, they all exclaimed in fear as fire erupted from its mouth.

This was Akasei, the most temperamental child on the face of the Earth. He had stubby horns, glowing red eyes, and tanned skin. Markings adorned his body, pulsing with bright red energy. His yutaka was red and orange, slightly singed from his fire breath. He wore no shoes as every pair would melt off his feet. The wild mane of red hair was covered with knots, twigs, and mud and trailed behind his body like a waterfall of magma. The symbol of Mars burned on his forehead, making him more irritated by the minute.

"I don't know about you, but this child is much more fussier than the other two." A snobbish flower named Poppy said, watching from her hidden alcove with worry. "I do prefer the more graceful Fuyuka than this one."

"Don't be so mean Poppy." The soft spoken Camelia whispered. "He is still a child and his gender differs from the others. Perhaps he is upset about something."

"Upset about what? He's causing a mess in our home!" Tiger Lily snapped, waving her hands around. "We were created by the queen to keep this garden in check and he's ruining everything! Someone call one of the guards and kick him out."

Dahlia stood in front of the now riled up flower gang. "Calm down ladies, I've known the children longer than most of you and Akasei is just expressing himself differently. Hotaru uses poison, Fuyuka has ice, he just got blessed with fire. The worse he could do is just make a small flame in the middle of the garden. I'm certain that his mother will stop him soon."

A loud explosion rung out as Akasei jumped from a maple tree and caused a portion of the garden to go up in smoke. Poor Dahlia gaped in shock as an evil grin appeared on his face as he raised a hand to create more flames.

"SOMEONE STOP THIS WICKED CHILD!" Poppy screeched, now fearing for all their safety.

Before Akasei could make a graveyard out of the garden, his hand was caught by the angered face of Muzan. The demon child tried in vain to wrestle himself from the clutches of his father, but stopped when he gave him a deep glare. Whimpering noises came from the child as he was rightfully subdued by his father.

"Akasei..." The tone of his father was that of slight irritation. "If you wish to get your anger out, then refrain from doing so in your mother's garden. She would be quite upset if she came back to see her beautiful garden up in smoke. Do you want to see her unhappy?"

Akasei growled, but turned away to avoid his father's gaze. "No..."

Muzan picked him up in his arms. "Good. I would hope that I would not have to discipline you even further. We need to get you a creative outlet for all this pent up aggression." He hummed in thought, walking out the garden with a contemplative look on his face. "I may have just the demon for the job."

The Whispers were happy that the devil child was finally out of their petals. In a strange way, the respect they had for Muzan grew slightly.

The demon progenitor held his problem child as they made their way through the Infinity Compound. It was days like this he wished to have Sorashi by his side. Since her return, she spent time getting much acclimated with the children, the moons, and himself. Both of them were able to re-ignite their relationship in order to raise the children better. Hotaru was happy to have both of them in her life, taking after him in every way. He praised her cold demeanor when addressing the lower moons except for Rui and Enmu. Her studies were improving, her usage of poison abilities made his pride swell, and she was nearly there to unlock her demon art.

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