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Blossom of snow

May you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Doma was getting annoyed by these two brats.

Ever since Sorashi adopted the two demon children, she had been focusing her attention upon them. Both were extremely happy to have someone that took care of them. Daki took it upon herself to dress prettier and let her play with her hair. Gyutaro was shy at first, but gradually took the role of a doting son. Sorashi made sure to clean them both up, feed them, and proceeded to spend her time with them. Doma watched on with jealous glares as the two had even made some of the women of the cult gush at how cute they were.

However, despite the new nuisances in his life, he made a surprising discovery about Sorashi. Said demoness seemed to have a split personality. He witnessed this when she saw her transform the children that night. Her flowing purple hair, beautiful glowing eyes, and even the ethereal way her voice sounded. When she was in this form, he believed her to be the Queen of the Night he had so much about. His master's queen was quite the sight to see. Then there was this side to her, the fun loving, storytelling, mischievous green haired female. The self proclaimed "Hoshihime" who caught the attention of all around her with her stories and talents. Some were jealous by the fact that she even caught the gazes of the men of the village. The rainbow eyed demon hummed to himself as he fanned his face.

I wonder if it's possible to fall in love with both sides of her.

Days turned into months before Sorashi decided to finally go back to the Infinity Mansion.

Now that her children finally got used to being in her presence, she decided that living in a cult would not be healthy in developing their social skills. Daki was a social butterfly by nature, getting along with the women of the place. They gushed about how cute she was and adorned her with various hairclips, perfumes, and other trinkets. Gyutaro was more shy, constantly clinging onto her robes and keeping a watchful eye on his sister. Sorashi found him quite adorable by the way he tried to look as if he didn't care, but secretly enjoyed being around her. They even got accustomed to being demons too, asking Doma for a bite of his meals. He would open his mouth to refuse, but seeing Sorashi giving him a knowing stare, he would relent and allow them to eat.

Then Kokushibo finally tracked them down.

It was a day before she was going to leave to return home when he appeared in the window of her room. She squeaked in surprise, startling the children awake from their slumber. Both of them glared at the six eyed demon and stood in front of their new mother.

"Who the heck are you?" Daki spat, starring daggers at him. "How did you get up here?"

"Hmm…he seems handsome…sickening." Gyutaro droned out, sneering at him. "Don't even think about laying a finger on okaasan."

Kokushibo stared at the two, contemplating taking out his sword and ending them. He actually started sliding his blade out before Sorashi got over her initial shock and stopped him.

"Wait Koku-Chan!" Sorashi got in front of the two before smiling. "I apologize for making you come and get me, but I was coming back soon. How on Earth did you even find me?"

Queen of the NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin