"Where is Akira? Is his pregnancy going well?" Shinjiro was the first one to speak to them.

"He gets tired of things really easily but other than that he is all good. He wanted to come today too but I barely managed to stop him." Masaaki replied with bright eyes. His Akira was near his due date so he was extremely excited. "Do visit us sometime."

"Wish you all the best." Shinjiro smiled back at him. He then glanced at Kioshi.

The other man was silent the whole time. He had been through a lot all these years. Kioshi learnt it the hard way to love. And he regretted it for not being able to convey his feelings properly and admit it in all his honesty. When he was alive he tried to deny his feelings but now that he was gone he would dream about him waking up every night.
"Makato." He whispered to himself silently. The next words hanging on his lips never left his mouth but the meaning behind it was clearly written all over his face.

Shinjiro never thought he would see Kioshi so miserable over his death. After all they hated each other back in highschool.
But....Shinjiro wasn't the one to speak either.

"Both of you came one day and left just like that. I hope you are together in after life too. Or perhaps you are alive somewhere and still together. If you are, please be happy. It was just for a bit but knowing you was one of the best thing that had ever happened in my enitre life."
Both Kazuhiko and Makato's soul...they must be alive somewhere.....together....

The wind blew softly. And the garden was filled with the view of flower petals dancing happily, their fragrance filling the air as they danced.

Nobody was aware of two pair of eyes watching the scene.

"Its amazing how the person you guys are looking for was able to leave this kind of impression on them." The one watching them spoke. He had a pair of playful eyes twinkling with a bit of evilness in them.

"Find them. They were here the last time." Spoke another voice. The voice resonated in the man's mind only. Only he could hear it.

"That is going to be hard. Hm.....one of them completely erased any traces left behind by them. It won't be easy to find them." The man replied. His lips curved into a smirk. "But....we finally got a clue so finding them is not impossible."

"Don't worry. I will assist you as much as I can. But we must hurry. According to the message relied by the gods he is back and is frantically searching for Elm. Those two must not meet again at any cost. They cannot be reunited no matter what." The voice warned him.

The man smiled at his statement. He thought for a while. "Hm...so we have a dangerous god level gangster returning searching for his poor lover, a rebel with the ability to destroy because some stupid god gave him too much power running amok the universe and a problematic dragon system accompanying him.....or should I say...." He tilted his head and smiled mischievously. "The former division leader of the first system unit of the divine realm.....kuku."
An ominous aura hit his head making him frown. The aura had a dense intent to kill.

"Oi you brat. Watch. Your. Mouth. Unless you don't want to die early." The voice threatened him.

The man felt dizzy. He was in lot of pain. But....he was still smirking. "But you need me don't you? That's why you guys never killed me and instead confined me so that you could use my skills one day. And now you let me out because you need my power. Don't worry though. I will not disappoint you. But..." His eyes slanted dangerously. "If you continue to treat me like this I will self destruct my soul." This was a threat.

The voice inside his mind clicked in irritation before withdrawing the pain being inflicted on the other person.

The man massages his temples. He kept silent this time. Thinking. Thinking about things.

"You rats! Calling us rebels when you want to use us like slaves.....don't ever think for a second that I won't strike back when I see an opening. But....."

He was curious about this new rising star, the new rebel that was able to agitate the system unit to this point. As for the dragon they were speaking of, he knew who this elm guy was.

Elm, the only family of the current division leader and the former division leader of the system unit. The traitor who almost broke the enitre system network.....just for a single person.

This combination was interesting.

At this time he didn't knew there was another third person that he should be aware of.




Ivar sprang his eyes open the moment he smelled that hateful scent. This smell was something he could never forget. The smell was embedded so deeply in his soul.

Demons! His eyes narrowed dangerously.