Topper | Gaslighting | Pt.2

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It's been about a week since that last argument with Topper and things went back too normal afterwards, you were on your way too a party right now that Topper had told you to come too. You were never much of a partier but you didn't wanna make Topper feel bad by not coming so you went anyway.

You walked into the big house party and smelt alcohol, weed and sweat which made you wanna throw up because of how bad it smelt. You walked around trying too find Topper but you never could find him so you finally found Kelce which was one of Tops close friends and you and Kelce were particularly close yourselves, although Topper didn't know much about your closeness or he would go off on the both of you even if there was truly nothing to be mad about, he still would be. "Hey Kelce" he greeted and he turned to you with a small smile   "Hey y/n how are you" he asked. "I'm okay how are you" you asked. "I'm good and I know your looking for Topper but I actually haven't seen him in like an hour" he said and you nodded slightly while glancing around trying too find your lost boyfriend. "I can help you find him if you want" he offered. "Sure, let's go" you said walking towards the stairs, now realizing that Topper was no where to be found downstairs.

"Do you think he's up here somewhere" he questioned Kelce as you both made it the the upstairs part of the house. "Maybe" he said and he followed you as you knocked on each of the doors until you heard moaning coming from one of them. You stopped in your tracks and so did Kelce, soon enough you realized it was Toppers moaning and him saying "your so hot" to some chick and she was also moaning. "Y/n I-" you cut Kelce off. "No Kelce it's fine I'm fine, it was going too happen some day so" you said trying not too sound hurt and Kelce just looked at you with sympathy in his eyes. "You want to get out of here" he asked and you nodded quickly.

You found yourself walking on the beach with Kelce talking about random subjects. "You know i don't think sharks are that scary" he replied too your previous comment about your fear of sharks. "How? How do you not find them scary" you asked. You had completely forgotten about earlier, all though you knew you would have too tell Topper about it and dump him, you just hoped it wouldn't turn into a fight of some sort but for now you weren't worried about it, you were just enjoying talking too someone without it turning into an argument. "I don't know they just don't really seem like they would really want too hurt you unless you tried too hurt them of course" he replied and you both sat down in the sand looking out onto the water and the moon. "Maybe but still sharks are definitely my biggest fear always have been and always will be" you replied and Kelce looked into your eyes which were sparkling from the moon light. You found both of yourselves leaning in and soon enough your lips touched for a brief moment and you immediately pulled away. "Kelce I can't I'm-" he cut you off. "Hey no need too be sorry your with Top I get it, I'm sorry" he said. "I know it's just everything's so complicated right now and I like you Kelce I really do but I don't know if we could date you know since you and Top are good friends" you said and he looked at you and nodded. "No it's fine I get it, but some day if you would want too we could maybe keep it a secret- I know that sounds kinda stupid but y/n I really like you" he said and you smiled at his words. "Maybe" you said and you both made your way back too the party.

You both walked in at the same time together and Topper walked up too you. "Hey where have you been I've been looking all over" he said while trying too hug you and you pushed him away and he looked at you taken back a little. "Can we talk in private" you asked and he nodded and Kelce looked at you two walking away, he was a little worried about how Topper would react.

Once you were in a room alone with the door closed Topper broke the silence. "What's up what's going on" he asked. "Too we need to break up" you just came right out and said it because why sugar coat it? "What why we are-" you cut him off. "I heard you cheating on me me and Kelce found you and-" he cut you off. "You and Kelce since when do you and Kelce hang out or even talk too eachother" he asked an angry tone in his voice completely ignoring the fact that you caught him cheating. "Listen Topper it doesn't even matter anymore okay I'm done I can't do this I'm sorry, have a good life" you said and tried too walk away but Topper grabbed you by your throat and pushed you against a wall. "Topper stop your hurting me" you said but he didn't stop. "You can't just leave me, I own you now, you are mine and your not going anywhere and if you try too I'll ruin you and your whole fucking family" he said, grip tightening on your throat. "Okay Topper just let me go" you said trying too do anything to get out of his grip. He let you go but he slapped you when he did and you fell too the door from the force and when you did it obviously made a loud thud causing the door to swing open revealing Rafe and Kelce, since most of the people had left the party by now and the noise was down they were able too hear you fall. Kelce rushed too you helping you up and Topper just looked at you with disgust and Rafe just watched everything in motion. "What the fuck man" Kelce said looking at Topper while helping you steady yourself. "Don't what the fuck me, what the fuck you. All over my girl" he said. "I'm not your girl anymore Topper I'm done with you" you said and he smiled at you confidence but not a genuine smile, more of a hateful smile. "Your a whore anyway" he said and pushed past everyone, exiting the room, done with the conversation and situation. "Are you okay you want me too take you home" Kelce asked and you nodded and by this time Rafe had left with Topper and you and Kelce were headed too your house.

He pulled into your driveway. "Thanks for the ride Kelce, I'll see you around" you said. "I'll see you, if you need anything just text or call me" he said and you nodded and made your way into the house.


So someone requested the part two and here it is I hope you like it, I was a little tired writing it so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes! Thank you guys for all the reads it means so much!! I love you guys! Also don't forget too request anything you'd like too!🤍

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